"Sonic: Night of the Werehog" is an 11-minute animated short film from 2008, so this one will have its 10th anniversary next year and you can read the name of one of the protagonists in the title, namely the name of Sonic the Hedgehog, a really famous video game character, but not necessarily a film star as his character did not really manage the transition to films, just like with Super Mario. This one here is a Japanese production, but no worries there is no spoken dialogue in here, so you won't need any subtitles. Director Nakashima is not too prolific, but writer Kiyoko Yoshimura worked on a lot of other stuff too, some involving Sonic the Hedgehog even. This blue character looked surprisingly hunky and muscular in this animation to me, the exact opposite of his buddy. The ghosts we got in here are okay too, especially the female. If I have ever seen a ghost to fall in love with, then that's her. The ending was actually fairly nice too, nothing really expected and nothing 100% happy either, brave writing in my opinion. Maybe they had a sequel in mind, but with all the time passed it seems it isn't happening. Pity because this was a good watch. I give it a thumbs-up.
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