Song of Arizona
Song of Arizona
| 08 March 1946 (USA)
Song of Arizona Trailers

Roy Rogers rides to the rescue when a bank robber's orphaned son (Tommy Cook), who is living at a ranch for homeless boys run by Gabby Whittaker (George "Gabby" Hayes), attracts the attention his father's rowdy gang, who want to claim the boy's inheritance for themselves


Other reviewers on this board have noted the picture's similarity to Spencer Tracy and Mickey Rooney's 1938 film "Boys Town". I had the thought quite independently myself as the story unfolded, which introduced Gabby Hayes as the 'best friend a homeless boy ever had'. He's the proprietor of the Half a Chance Ranch, taking in troubled youngsters and providing a safe environment in which they can grow up and be productive. Gabby's most famous graduate happens to be Roy Rogers, understatedly described as 'the guy who sings on the radio'. Roy's returning to the ranch to lend his support and winds up solving a bank robbery that involves one of Gabby's troubled kids, the son of the outlaw the local sheriff is after.I have to say, Dale Evans spices things up quite a bit here as a night club singer at the Golden Spur who's the step daughter of outlaw King Blaine (Lyle Talbot) and the unknown sister of Chip Blaine (Tommy Ivo). She's not an actress that immediately comes to mind when considering the term sexy, but she's got all the right stuff here to turn Roy's head. They weren't married yet at the time of this movie, but there's no denying they made an attractive screen couple. Dale also proves to be quite the singer in this story with a few entertaining numbers on her own and in duet with Roy. She really had quite a pleasant singing voice.With all the song and dance, there's not a lot of room for your standard Western action. The finale involves a chase on horseback somewhat obscured in darkness on the print I viewed, but Roy gets the bad guys to be sure with the help of Bob Nolan and the Sons of the Pioneers. With the money recovered from the local bank, tough old bird Dolly Finnucin (Sarah Edwards) softens up just enough to invite Gabby over to dinner to show her appreciation. Considering the potential romantic entanglements for Roy and Gabby, one wonders if either of them could have come out of the picture with even half a chance.

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I've watched quite a few Roy Rogers films recently and was surprised that his eventual wife, Dale Evans, was not in his early films. Also, quite a few had different sidekicks such as Smiley Burnett or Raymond Hatton. I wanted to see Dale and Gabby Hayes--the folks who are most associated with a Rogers film. Gabby did 45 films with Roy and Dale co-starred in just about all of them once she married Roy. Well, finally, I found "Song of Arizona"--a Rogers film that seems to have it all.In "Song of Arizona", the myth of Roy Rogers is complete. Gabby runs a kids ranch for orphans and underprivileged kids (that's kind of creepy now that you think of it) and Roy is a legendary hero that kids emulate.The story involves a crook, 'King' Blaine (Lyle Talbot) and he plays about the most stereotypical baddie in history. When he comes to the ranch to see the son he abandoned, it's amazingly funny to hear Talbot talking to the boy. It seems that he'd left a package with the kid and the package contained stolen money. When the Sheriff shows up looking for Blaine, inexplicably, Roy lies about the guy and misdirects him. Not much of a hero, is he?! However, you know that Roy knows everything and by the end he'll have worked wonders--sort of like a western social worker. Blaine is soon shot by the posse and Roy and Gabby witness his dying moments--when he wills the ranch a piece of property and divulges that the boy has a sister out there somewhere. Well, it turns out that the garage on the property has burned down, but the trip isn't for naught--Roy meets Dale and, not surprisingly, they fall in love and sing a few numbers. And, it turns out that Dale was the dead man's step-daughter--Chip's sister.Some time later, Blaine's old 'friends' show up and take the boy captive--as they want the loot. So naturally it's up to Roy to save the day and Gabby's ranch.Overall, I must say that despite a great cast, the film itself is low on action, high on talk and is geared strictly for kids. There really isn't any zip to this one--just lots of sweet kids and non-violence. Booorrriiinnggg!!

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Roy Rogers attempts to to help save Gabby Hayes' ranch for wayward boys from foreclosure, when one of Gabby's wards is targeted by the partners of outlaw Lyle Talbot, the boy's deceased father.This one's a little sappy, even for a Saturday matinée western, though impossible to entirely dislike. Roy, Gabby, Dale Evans, Bob Nolan, and The Sons Of The Pioneers are all still fun to watch, while some of the kid actors give pretty decent performances.There isn't much to recommend in the way of action or gun-play, but there's a few decent songs, including a neat Halloween song and dance number from Roy, Dale, and Gabby.Though not really one of the better films in the genre, Roy Rogers fans will probably be a little bit more forgiving than the average viewer.

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Steve Haynie

Song of Arizona was made when Roy Rogers career was in full swing. Gabby Whitaker has a ranch for boys in need of a home, and every one of them is wearing his own cowboy outfit complete with chaps. Every boy had to dream of livng on a ranch with Gabby Hayes and Roy Rogers, and here it was on film! The movie centers around a boy named Chip, played by Tommy Cook. Every time he speaks I keep recognizing his voice from his work on the old time radio shows like Blondie. One of the things that set his movies apart from others was the polished look of the musical productions. Dale wears beautiful outfits and her singing is top notch in this one. Her songs are more pop-oriented than western style. The Sons of the Pioneers line-up is a little different in this one, too. Apparently this was filmed before Lloyd Perryman and Pat Brady returned from military service. Instead we have Ken Carson and Shug Fisher. Oddly, Hugh Farr was missing from the Pioneers for this film. Lyle Talbot may have been cast as the main villain, but Dick Curtis is the true bad guy in this one. I really enjoyed this movie.

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