| 19 November 2015 (USA)
Sociopathia Trailers

Introverted and peculiar, Mara spends her days fabricating props for movies. But her reclusive persona conceals an internal wrath. Terrified of being alone, Mara refuses to let her lovers leave, sadistically murdering them and keeping their corpses as living dolls. When she's hired by Kat, a fledgling producer, the two instantly hit it off. As their relationship grows more intense, Mara begins to lose her already fragile grip on reality. When her dolls begin demanding all of her attention, and Kat threatens to break her heart, Mara spirals into psychosis, leaving her no choice but to kill again.

Michael Ledo

Mara (Tammy Jean) is a mentally ill lesbian killer who makes up her victims as dolls. When Kat (Asta Paredes) enters her life, she doesn't want to kill her, but this causes other issues.The characters were shallow. Acting wasn't much to speak about. The film was rather pointless.F-bomb, F/F sex, ample nudity 5 stars for the nudity.

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This is my review for Sociopathia which will contain several spoilers throughout!This film follows the story of Mara a young woman who often secludes herself from the outside world unless she has to go to work or is looking for a lover to keep forever!Mara works for a film production company designing film props, she chooses to often pass on social activities with her co workers while using her work schedule as an excuse in reality she is looking for her ideal candidate to be her lesbian girlfriend and be loyal by her side.Mara quickly meets young and attractive women on a regular basis although for them they either don't want a relationship with her, are looking for a casual fling or have another agenda. She kills the women one by one and does not want the women to leave her apartment so keeps their bodies as dolls and regularly has imaginary conversations with them. She is taking medication for various illnesses so believes in her hallucinations and can't control them.Everything starts to improve for Mara when she meets another woman named Kat who is also working at the same production company and their friendship soon turns romantic and they embark on a relationship. It is not long before they both face problems and Mara will have to decide if Kat is the right woman for her especially when there is so much about her hidden life she does not know about and her beliefs that her previous dead lovers are being possessive and making her life more complicated.I did find the idea of this thriller interesting and the obvious references to the films Maniac (1980) and May (2002) so i could understand where the plot was going. The only two characters who had the most substance to them were Mara and Kat although i preferred the character of Kat in the movie. I was however slightly disappointed that there was not more background information or a flashback into how Mara started to suffer from mental health problems which ultimately turned her into a murderess even though in one scene towards the end of the film there was a hint but it did not go any further. The film also had enough violence,blood and nudity to please most horror fans although for me this did not compensate for what could have been more that an average film.I would rate this film 6 out of 10!

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The idea of psycho lady hunting attractive lesbian girls, among others, while performing risqué act might just be presentable enough for horror, although with such weak acting, repetitive plot and shifty production, "Sociopathia" is a lot of tacky cosmetic with any substance. The lead actress simply can't deliver the depth of character needed for a thriller. Meanwhile the supporting cast, in exception of one, looks more convincing as corpses than actual characters.It tries to deliver a perspective of the antagonist as she struggle with mental disorder, it also has the benefit of playing around artificial props which already have inherited creepiness about them. However, the performance from the entire cast can be sum up to either girls throwing tantrum or over zealously and superficially seductive. Things get worse when they scream at each other, it's borderline numbing at this point.It's also far from scary as well. This is nothing more than masked person randomly chopping people without any concrete plan. The chopping itself is utterly ridiculous, using overdose of blood even when she just pushes people or when the movies pulls off horror cliché of stupid victims flailing about at their last moments. This overblown proportion translates into the sensual scenes. Yes, let there be nudity aplenty.Granted, the ladies are admittedly attractive, in fact they are more effective when delivering no dialogue. The notion of living doll itself is sufficiently creepy. Asta Paredes as Kat is the better performer here, she exudes more personality than the rest, and her character is easily identifiable with one or two quirks. Still, the movie tends to revert back to silly style when it looks like it almost gains any momentum.It may have a few glints of horror potential and flashy cosmetics, but "Sociopathia" is simply lacking acting prowess and general presentation to be a decent horror.

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Sociopathia is a low budget horror starring a bunch of relatively unknown actors. Other than an interesting if misleading name the movie does not have much to offer. The movie follows the murderous exploits of Mara who is a movie prop maker, lesbian and a murderer. She doesn't want to let go of her lovers and ends up killing them, dressing them up and treating them like dolls and talking to them until she replaces them with someone else. To highlight the level of Mara's insanity her dolls often talk back and get jealous of her other relationships. She sadistically kills a few girls until she meets Kat, an up and coming movie producer who interests her and Mara finds herself falling for the girl. But to her dismay the relationship between her and Kat makes her dolls get more possessive and jealous. Or viewed differently, Mara becomes more unstable and imagines her dolls getting more possessive.The acting is relatively weak and the story never really goes anywhere. There is no real suspense as the identity of the killer is never in question. This might not be a point of contention though as the focus of the film might be Mara's further descent into insanity and possible redemption through a normal relationship with Kat. None of this matters though as the story is not captivating enough to keep the viewer interested to the end. There are scenes which are badly acted and could have been much better. There is a lot of female nudity and gory violence but this is not enough to keep the viewer interested in the thin and stretched story line. Overall a 3.5/10. Had some potential but it was wasted and in the end the movie is not really worth watching.

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