R | 11 June 1992 (USA)
Society Trailers

Bill Whitney is worried that he is different to his sister and parents. They mix with other upper-class people while Bill is more down to earth. Even his girlfriend seems a bit odd. All is revealed when Bill returns home to find a party in full swing.


He problem with Society is that it doesn't realize that quirks and offbeat charm can only go so far and that it needs something more- like a substantial premise or great pacing for the other elements to work. Society gets certain quirk elements alright and the ending where a cannibalistic orgy starts is suitably funny or scary whichever way you wanna look. But overall Society is a miss because ofa lack of a good story.

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Shunting. I knew not of ye before and wish I could not know not of ye forevermore. Apparently this is a medical term, God save those who have to use it ever again after this film for their jobs.This is a pure blistering B-movie, near perfection for the kind of flick it is. It has a deranged premise, an out in the open and in your face "message"/"theme" whathaveyou that's explored rather than dissected -- ironically through dissections, vivisections and gory surrealism. This is the kind of movie that dares to make your deepest, darkest fears about class, society and social strata an all-too-real horror with taboos of incest, nepotism, murder, and inhuman grotesqueness as both a release -- letting you know your the one that's still human -- and as a call to arms -- thou shall not suffer a witch to live.The ending is a true carnival ride nightmare come to life, bold and shocking. But the lead up to it, while mostly good and serving its purpose, is of the all too low-grade B-movie reality in which stock characters do things and question things, while the audience already knows the answers (it's THAT kind of movie after all) while we wait for the freak show. More atmosphere, mood and mystery would have been nice. And while the main character is likable enough, he's a bit pedestrian and one-note. His impact on Clarissa (who joins him in the end) feels unearned (also pointless since he saves himself).Also what was with Clarissa's mom? I don't get it. Weirdly out of place and making no sense even by this film's loose standards.

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Macauley Gibbons

Most reviews start out with a short summary of the movie, but Society is one of those films that's best enjoyed when you go in blind. Basically, Bill Whitney feels alienated from the pompous, upper-class world he has been born into, and as bizarre things begin to happen, he soon discovers there is something very different about high society. It sounds like the basic plot of many paranoid conspiracy films, but this one excels for certain reasons. What are those reasons? I won't say, for very recently I went into this film with no idea of what was going to happen and I came out completely shocked and morbidly delighted by what I had seen. I've seen a lot of body horror films, but this one accomplished feats I had never even considered. I came upon this while perusing for campy, vile movies, and upon seeing the cover, I decided this held promise for being acceptably grotesque. It was far more grotesque than I could have ever dreamed. I had never heard of this film before I found it a short while ago, but now I know it must be viewed by all lovers of camp and body horror, hence why I'm writing this review. If this is the kind of movie you look for, then you've found it.

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michael thompson

This dreadful, sick, evil, pile of junk, revealed in the last stomach churning 30 or so minutes, how the filthy rich see the rest of us in the lower classes.It showed that the boy in the family did not fit into his own families world, that he knew nothing about.And it showed that even the rich are expendable in their own world.I watched the film to the end, wondering how it possible could end, I was hoping for a hole to appear from the floor, and that these awful people would be sucked into hell, but it didn't happen, their son told them what he thought of them, and he walked out the door.Suffice to say that the "Society" are the soulless filthy rich, who enjoy treating the lower classes with utter contempt, something like the Nazis treated the Jews.I cannot possibly give this mess of a film more than 1 star, but in highlighting how the soulless rich feel about the lower classes, I give this film a million stars.The top 10 per cent I believe, hold the mass of wealth, while the rest of us minions take a great delight in a tax cut now and again, thinking we are hoping to join this bunch of rabble we continually pay homage to in our continued pursuit of wealth.The rich are laughing all the way to the bank, and to the devil.

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