| 09 April 2005 (USA)
SnakeMan Trailers

An object is found that points to the secret of eternal youth so a research team is sent to find the fountain only to find it is protected by a giant snake

Diane Ruth

Allan A. Goldstein's inspired direction brings incredible creativity and vision to this refreshingly original horror film. Creating an environment that's overwhelming in its tense darkness and unrelenting terror, Goldstein weaves a tight story against the backdrop of a steaming jungle where the atmosphere is virtually unendurable. The creature that stalks its victims without mercy is one of the most stunningly horrible ever imagined and will leave audiences long-lasting nightmares. A fine cast gives memorably powerful performances and Stephen Baldwin does some of the finest work of his career. Exotic locales, intense thrills, and never-let-up shocks make for superb cinema horror and a motion picture experience you will simply never forget.

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Most of the movies Sy-Fy does, reek of a fourth grade writing project and abysmal special effects. This movie may have the same problems, but I can't tell. The only way this movie could hold my attention the first time, is because I am absolutely infatuated with Jayne Heitmeyer on here.I have probably seen this stinker a dozen times and I'll watch it a dozen more just because of Ms. Heitmeyer. I can't help it! Love the close ups. Love the way she looks at the camera.In short, I am totally unqualified to judge this movie. Sorry.One of these days I'll edit out everything but her and use it to replace the beautiful sunsets and mountain views we don't get here in Indiana.

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I felt like I was in some backwoods fundamentalist church yesterday. There was Anaconda 3, Snakes on a Plane, Vipers, and this one. What is with all these snakes? This one had no special appeal. It was you routine running through the jungle, with one member in a tight top (Jayne Heitmeyer), and everyone getting eaten by the snakes. They even brought in some mercenaries, presumably from Blackwater or Halliburton, and they all get eaten, too. The only thing different was that this particular snake had about four heads. That made for an interesting twist as each head can get a body extremity and, pop, instant paraplegic. Then the main snake just pops the head and sucks out the juice like eating craw-fish in the bayou.The only thing that will keep you interest is the aforementioned Heitmeyer getting that top all sweaty and bloody.

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Paul Andrews

The Snake King, or Snakeman as it's more commonly known, starts as New York based pharmaceutical company GenTech announces in a press conference that during a recent expedition in the Amazon they discovered a corpse of a man which when analysed showed he died at the age of 300. Company scientists Dr. Rick Gordon (Larry Day) & Dr. Susan Elters (Jayne Heitmeyer) are going to lead another expedition into the Amazon to finds his tribe & discover the secret of living for 300 years, what could possibly go wrong? Well, for a start their helicopter is struck by lightening & crash lands in the middle of the Amazon, then Rick turns out to be a complete d*ck & to top it off a huge five headed snake wants to eat them all. Can their local guide Matt (Stephen Baldwin) lead them to safety & is finding the secret to eternal life really worth being eaten by a huge five headed snake for?This made-for-TV Canadian American co-production was written & directed by Allan A. Goldstein & is yet another Nu Image produced creature feature flick complete with all the clichés that these films seem determined to include. The script takes itself very seriously & is basically pretty much the same sort of thing as Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid (2004) with it's plot about a youth potion in the Amazon guarded by a snake, in this case a ridiculous looking one of the giant five headed variety. Lets go through the clichés which Nu Image insist on having in their creature features, good guys including a beautiful female scientist & a rugged hero type who end up falling in love, the antagonistic bad guys who want something the creature is protecting/in the way of, the disposable character's who don't say anything & have no opinions on anything because they are there to get eaten, the supposedly dramatic moralistic ending which will leave most viewers wiping away the tears of either laughter or boredom, the single isolated location to keep production costs down & an abundance of awful CGI computer effects. Yep, they're all here present & correct. Unfortunately Snake King is even more lame than a lot of other Nu Image 'classics' like Cyborg Cop (1993), Shark Attack (1999), their best film to date Spiders (2000), Crocodile (2000), Octopus (2000), Mansquito (2005) & a plethora of sequels & other killer Shark flicks, I mean most of the above are pretty bad films but a lot of them at least had fun elements, unintentionally hilarious moments & a sense no one was taking things too seriously but The Snake Kingis just a dull, boring, unoriginal mess of a film that isn't even good for any laughs & doesn't have any good looking babes in it either. At least the five headed snake survives at the end & gets to eat lots of humans but it's still a stinker.Director Goldstein doesn't do anything special here, the pace is slack, the plot is dumb, the editing is awful & the special effects are terrible. The CGI computer effects look awful, unless you have literally million's to spend on them GCI always ends up looking worse than your average Saturady morning cartoon with badly animated monsters that look stupid. The wonderful Ray Harryausen stop-motion animated seven headed Hydra from Jason and the Argonauts (1963) looks 100 times better & more realistic than the five headed snake here. There's a few gory bit here, there's some severed arms, people are bitten in half & there's a brief scene when someone has their stomach sliced open & their guts spill out.With a supposed budget of about $1,000,000 the filmmakers were obviously working on a tight budget & it's a surprise they actually managed to shoot the thing on location in Brazil. Awful looking five headed snakes & helicopter crashes apart it's reasonably well made but it's bland & forgettable without an ounce of style. The acting here is bad & Stephen Baldwin is the token 'celebrity' actor who obviously needed rent money & a free holiday in South America.The Snake King is a pretty awful creature feature which offers nothing new over the countless killer Shark, Octopus, Insect, Lizard & Arachnid type films which seem to be everywhere & it doesn't even any genuine unintentional laughs either. Definitely not recommended, I'm not sure why they keep making these sorts of films other than there are people out there who like them & to satisfy demand Nu Image's next giant killer snake flick seems to be called MegaSnake (2007) & premiers in July apparently...

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