Sink Pink
Sink Pink
| 11 April 1965 (USA)
Sink Pink Trailers

An eccentric man has built an ark and has filled it with specimens of all animals except one - a pink panther. To complete his zoological collection, the man sets out, rifle in hand, to hunt the Pink Panther, who leads the man on a futile chase through a jungle.


The Pink Panther cartoons are always entertaining, and Sink Pink is no exception. While stereotyping is not always a problem, it can be if it's unsubtle, exaggerated and unneeded. Sink Pink with the hunter and Texan for me does fit into that category. It isn't problematic enough to make the rest of Sink Pink any less enjoyable. The story is Noah's Ark with a twist and told so in a very entertaining way, while the gags are funny and delivered at a good pace. Sink Pink also marks one of few times where Pinky speaks, his lines fit his fun, cool persona and didn't feel out of place at all. There is definitely a Looney Tunes feel to the humour, almost like a homage, and it worked. The animation is simple, but colourful and never too rough or simplistic. The music is still very catchy and memorable, the way it sticks in your head is in an infectious in alternative to annoying way. Pinky always has been a strong character, and he is still the same cool and likable character that we know him for. Overall, very good and fun, Pink Panther fans will not be disappointed. 8/10 Bethany Cox

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What a shock to hear someone talk right away in this cartoon! That almost never happens as these Pink Panther cartoons are 99 percent dialog-less. Nonetheless, we hear a "Big White Hunter" type guy traveling with his guide in a jeep along the Africa plain mention about "a story about some guy who cornered all the animals in the thing called the Ark. If it can be done once, it can be done again." He builds the boat and names it after his girlfriend: "Nora's Ark."The twist is that, unlike God producing all the rain, this guy sends fliers out to the animals, warning of a big flood and telling them to come to his ark! Pretty clever (with a few holes in the theory, but, hey, it's a cartoon). Anyway, it works and two of all the animals trot into the boat....except the (one and only) Pink Panther. Where is he? The hunter goes after him, despite warnings that the PP is "taboo."Overall, despite the ludicrous (and elitist) stereotyping of a big-game hunter and of a Texan, it's a fun cartoon with some nice artwork. The rain effect, and the ark and animals are all drawn really well.The very last scene has the Panther utter a sentence, and we discover he's British!

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This is a very good short, but a little different from the 4 or 5 that came before this. As others have noted, there is an hint of Looney Tunes in this short with the road runner and Wiley coyote antics, and the voice of the hunter sounding close to that of Yosemite Sam (must be the Texas thing). Nonetheless, it does not feel like Friz ripped off WB; more of an homage. One thing i found amusing was that although Nora's Ark needed 2 of every other animal, it only needed 1 pink panther. I recommend seeing this as it is fun and quick paced with the usual great music;as a bonus, this is one of the few times that the pink panther speaks.

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Shawn Watson

A bit more like Looney Tunes than usual for old Pinky here. But that's to be expected when most of the Pink Panther cartoons are from Freleng and Depatie.This time round a Texan Big Game hunter is rounding up animals for his 'ark' so he can just go about shooting fish in a barrel. Kind of takes the sport out of it but...hey ho. The last on his list is a Pink Panther and he goes after our favorite cat like Wile E. Coyote would go after the Roadrunner.Of course Pinky outsmarts him at every turn, even causes him to go plummeting from cliffs Coyote style. And in the end, of course, he wins and talks for one of those very few times. I love the Pink Panther.

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