Simpson Desert Expedition
Simpson Desert Expedition
| 25 November 1939 (USA)
Simpson Desert Expedition Trailers

Footage of the 1939 Simpson Desert Expedition, led by Dr. Cecil Thomas (C.T.) Madigan, with a team of nine. In 1929 CT Madigan undertook a series of aerial reconnaissances of central Australia and in 1939 followed this up with a scientific expedition into the Simpson Desert. His expedition crossed the desert in 25 days with a party of nine, pioneering the use of mobile radio communication, and making extensive zoological and botanical collections, which included 14 new species of spiders. The geology of the desert was also recorded. This was the first scientific examination of the Simpson Desert and only the second complete crossing by a European. Madigan's expedition was financed by AA Simpson of Adelaide. His book of the journey is titled' Crossing the Dead Heart'.
