She Came on the Bus
She Came on the Bus
| 01 January 1969 (USA)
She Came on the Bus Trailers

A gang of horny, sadistic juvenile delinquents looking for kicks invades the suburban home of a housewife, injects her with dope and waylays her. A passing saleswoman receives similar treatment. The gang steals the housewife's car and heads for the open road. They hijack a bus, kill the driver when he objects, and assault two female passengers, one of whom enjoys it. She convinces her friend to play along, and they all get their kicks


A coed gang of sadistic horny thrill-seeking hooligans -- four guys and one crazy swinging babe (fetching brunette Linda Boyce) -- embark on a savage rampage of rape, terror, and violence. Their victims include a hapless housewife who they shoot up full of heroin prior to defiling, an equally luckless sales lady who they give a cube of LSD to before doing likewise, and two unfortunate female passengers on board a bus.Writer/director Curt Ledger keeps the compact twisted story moving along at a steady pace, maintains a stark sordid and nihilistic tone throughout, delivers oodles of tasty bare distaff skin, and even tosses in some pot smoking for good lurid measure. The cornball "Dragnet"-style narration and use of familiar classical music cues on the soundtrack both add a hysterical campy element while the rough hand-held black and white cinematography provides a certain raw immediacy. Moreover, 60's soft-core cinema regulars Boyce, Jackie Richards, and Uta Erikson all dutifully doff their duds in the name of leering low-grade exploitation. A super sleazy ride that fans of down'n'dirty celluloid trash should enjoy taking.

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The Golden Age of sexploitation in the late sixties gives us another feature from Something Weird.This one is towards the end of the era and it shows. There is actually a story here and much more action that would satisfy viewers.The production values are still really poor, but there is enough to keep your interest.It concerns a group of hooligans - four males and a female - that break into a house and rape a housewife after giving her heroin. A saleslady comes to the door and they giver her a sugar cube, presumably with acid, and rape her too.They then steal a bus, kill the driver, and pick up two more women. Lots of action ensues, including rape and a really hot lesbian scene at the end.This is definitely a film that earns the genre of sexploitation.

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Some nasty and sick juvenile delinquents enjoy taking on any woman, anytime. These JDs don't go to school, they just want to study their favorite subject: rape. And they do it very well. In fact, that's all they do. Rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, spam, rape, rape, breath, rape, rape, rape and spam.This movie was made during the height of what has come to be known as the "roughies". This is certainly a perfect example of that type of movie.Of course, the title tells it all because the JDs commandeer a bus and won't let a mere temporary distraction like a bus driver stand in the way of their education which includes mandatory courses of raping all the female passengers. Are we having "fun" yet?That isn't the end of the film by any means. But if you want to know how this movie ends, you'll just have to view it yourself because I'm certainly not going to tell you.

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This crude, artless but energetic example of the "roughie" genre is definitely mind-boggling. There's no live sound, just a foreboding Dragnet-style narrator snidely describing the action, as well as excruciatingly melodramatic library cues (which wouldn't be out of place in a D.W. Griffith movie) churning aggressively in the background. Toward the climax, some groovy lounge music suddenly breaks out for half a reel, accompanied by some topless jitterbugging which is totally out of line with the narrative. The photography is shaky cinema-verité in high contrast b&w, and the direction is pretty much non-existent (unless it was Jean-Luc Godard). It's not as bizarre as the "Olga" or "Flesh" series, but still proves irresistible thanks to its headlong thrust into depravity and its complete lack of taste, morality or respect for the laws of cinema. Considering the year of release, it's surprising that there's no full-frontal nudity, but there's plenty of flesh and ravaging lust on hand to have appeased the raincoat brigade.

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