September 11: The New Pearl Harbor
September 11: The New Pearl Harbor
| 12 September 2013 (USA)
September 11: The New Pearl Harbor Trailers

"September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor" is a 5 hour documentary that summarizes 12 years of public debate on 9/11. While aimed primarily at a general, uninformed audience, the film also contains some new findings that may be of interest to advanced researchers.


Honestly, I have always been entrapped by the concept of cover-ups and discrepancies involving this tragic date and I feel as though I have been given the full perspective. I have never come across a more concise and perfectly structured documentary in my life.Not one word in this INCREDIBLE film is biased as it reveals the quite embarrassing flaws in the scenarios of 9/11. It highlights the indisputable evidence ranging from the quite ridiculous incompetence of authorities that the world has been told to trust. This powerful and eye-opening masterpiece should be viewed by everyone. It doesn't bother bombarding the viewer with baseless conspiracies, it practically injects factual and proved information into the dishonesty.Please, avenge the people stolen from this Earth and devote yourself to this film. Knowledge will always be power and currently the wrong people have it.

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Hmmmmmm...... As other reviewers note this is a very powerful documentary, and very engaging. You cannot come out of it with a zillion questions and quite emotional. However, you have to be very very careful with this stuff. Its 5 hours long, but this is not long enough to enable the makers to cover many of the claims made in proper scientific detail. Its very easy to claim something without having to explain it properly. Some of the questions raised here do need answering. But whilst there are problems with the official investigation, and with the NIST collapse models, some of the ideas floated here are misguided at best, plain lies at worst. There's a lot of questions over 9/11, and if you're curious then this is a good place to get an overview of the '9/11 Truth' arguments. But do not take this as gospel. Use it as a starting point to do some research.

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The major problem immediately and in the years after 9/11 is these documentaries leave you with more questions than you have answers and like most people I just said 'maybe, maybe not'. This documentary proves without shadow of any doubt that the official events of 9/11 that we are supposed to believe as fact are completely false. I've watched this documentary 4 times now and my skeptical friends have also sat through it and we are all in agreement. False. The documentary doesn't prove every aspect of 9/11 as 'conspiracy,' in particular, what happened to the passengers? "It's a frame" Maybe...but where did that poor lady go? Wonderfully though, the documentary after each part simply asks vital questions for each argument - instead of telling us what is what. That's crucial.Where it slams home is the towers themselves. Wonderful, wonderful wonderful. Proves without doubt the towers came down with controlled demolition as any other explanation breaks the laws of physics, hahahaha!! I was happy that awful argument about heated metal was laid to bed. The amount of leading professionals from pilots to engineers who have joined forces to reveal what happened that day with science is overwhelming.Give it your time and you will not be disappointing.

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Having recently seen this epic, seminal documentary, we were completely shocked that it has only received 2 reviews here. An absolutely must-see film for every American. Disturbing, based on an extreme proportion of scientific fact in relation to possible speculation as to what happened on September 11th (whereas most other conspiracy documentaries have offered the opposite). The film is VERY long (all three parts equal almost 5 hours) but worth every minute, breaking down every possible detail of the twin towers, Building #7, The Pentagon, the alleged "pilots", Silverstein, and an extensive breakdown of the so-called "debunking" movement that attempts to justify the "official" story from the government. It offers a clear look at the deception NIST as well as the 9/11 Report and Popular Mechanics have displayed to the world in careless, heartless arrogance. A MUST SEE!!

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