| 18 June 2015 (USA)
Sanctuary Trailers

Summer 1968. 14-year-old Wolfgang is deported from his family in the secluded Church Welfare Institution sanctuary. One thing is clear for Wolfgang: His yearning for freedom, he will not soon buried in the bog.


I'm write for the first time, because this movie took me to the guts, is so powerful to show how the Human race are bad...I'm live in Switzerland, and in the 70'S same thing happens in my countries... So many young are suffer of child abuse, free violence and death, it is reality, not just a movie... The Switzerland state has apologized for what it is to pass in the 70s only in 2015, and yet enormously young people who have passed through these camps are still today marked in blood...I'm shocked to read the comment of Thomas in this tread, so naive and non-constructive, I thought this poor guy have never see the reality of the world we live... For a German guy it is a crook... I have finally to say, Hitler has better treat his Hitlerian youth than the German government did after the war, it is sad...Do not listen to the negative comments or say that it is exaggerating, they have not understood anything in life... look without hesitation this Powerful movie but hard and realistic on a part of the German history which they should not be proud of...

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This is the first movie review I am writing in my life. I am writing it because none of the reviews I read (after watching the film) seem to grasp the primal emotions the movie conveyed for me. I feel so weird about this. I actually have the impression some of the reviewers are not able to feel the abyssal anti-pedagogic methods in all their bleakness and brutality. Could it be that they simply are not able to open themselves for this sort of raw, unprocessed emotion?This movie caught me completely unprepared, and may be that's why it left such an impact on me. I just switched on the TV and the movie popped up, showing the scene where Wolfgang, the protagonist, is standing around naked with his clothing in his hands. Now I am expecting to hear the screams of Wolfgang in my head for days.Most people seem to criticize two things: 1.) The predictable story-line. 2.) The exaggerated portrayal of the life at Freistatt.As to 1.) Yes. It is predictable at times. I only needed few seconds to recognize the direction the movie was gonna lead to. However, when Wolfgang was buried alive, I was shocked. I didn't think he'd survive (spoiler: he did so because it was a planned action, he got un-buried before he suffocated). I also liked the ending. It was not a happy ending, it was not a cruel ending, it was a right ending. What Wolfgang experienced was too cruel to not traumatize him. At the end he was free, but I could tell that he would never be able to lead a normal life.As to 2.) I don't know how much the movie sticks to the actual events, or whether or not it does them justice. (I am also wondering: How much do the other reviewers know about this? Have they been there? If not, which knowledge enables them to make a judgment like that?) I don't have the feeling that this is what the movie is about anyway. Not at a single point the movie felt like a historic documentation to me, but like a story about a boy with an instinct for freedom, fighting against an oppressive system. At points, it almost felt like a miniature 1984 to me, especially regarding the circumstance that Wolfgang's drive for freedom was finally broken - after his mother let him down and he got buried alive. Nevertheless he made the right decision and didn't return to his mother at the end.This is not a movie to analyze and think about much. It's a movie to feel and connect with your instincts. Reviewers who filter it by looking at it through their abstract glasses are missing its essence. And I feel inclined to suspect they don't have a healthy connection to their primal instincts themselves. I know one should avoid becoming personal, but I just can't say otherwise.Much respect to Louis Hofmann, who did a splendid job as Wolfgang.

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Diego Silva

"Freistatt" is a little town in northern Germany, known for its harsh correctional institution for kids. The head of the institution develops oblique and treacherous activities, enjoying the boys' free labor to cut some peat around the local swamps. Meanwhile, rigorous discipline is imposed inside the house. The watchers apply collective punishments in response to individual faults and, inevitably, encourage blatant bullying. Some 40 miles from Freistatt, lives Wolfgang. Wolfgang is your average troublesome teenager from the late 60s. He is a rocker, an adventurer, he is cool, fascinated with bikes and he is violent. He loves his mother, but can't bear her new husband. They hate each other, both want to get rid of the other. The stepfather, however, holds certain status at home. He is the main authority and ultimately enforces his will. Wolfgang doesn't help either: he challenges his stepfather in a most provocative way. "You can do better than that", Wolfgang says after his new dad slaps him.Wolfgang is then sent to the borstal. There he suffers. Period. Misery and humiliations, beatings and pain. The protagonist undergoes countless atrocities, consecutive displays of cruelty. The director Marc Brummund seems to love these scenes. He explores them to the point that any connotation besides violence is lost. Pure evil, all of them. "They have already beaten Wolfgang? Well, tell him to mock the aggressors, rip out some more tomatoes, then we have a new excuse to beat him!"For a big part of "Freistatt", Brummund was only interested in terrifying the spectators. An exceptional take, however, drew my attention: Wolfgang betrayed by his own mother. It was impacting, I must admit. A wonderful touch. Nonetheless, just like the other villainies, this one was poorly handled. Why did Wolfgang reveal his scars and lesions, irrefutable evidence of mistreatment, so late? It's incomprehensible. But you might guess. Brummund wasn't satisfied. One can't have too much of a bad thing. An item from his "violence note" remained unchecked. He still had to bury Wolfgang and the bloody boy managed to come back home! Brummund found a good solution, but it'd never work in his hands. Perhaps, I am too harsh. I read that "Freistatt" is based on real accounts from Wolfgang Rosenkötter, who attended the house a long time ago. It's possible that the events depicted did happen, though not on a systematic basis as the film suggests. Marc Brummund could have expanded the "targets", investigating the background of the other boys and their own sufferings, instead of continuously whipping Wolfgang. Brummund could have created subplots around the employees, especially around Brother Wilde, who seemed to have serious issues with the Housefather. Likewise, Brummund could have studied Wolfgang's mother dilemmas, alternating scenes in the reformatory with scenes at home. Unfortunately, the director chose to waste time on pointless flashbacks with incestuous tones.It gets 5.

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Horst in Translation ([email protected])

"Freistatt" or "Sanctuary" is a German 100-minute movie from last year (2015). For director Marc Brummond and his co-writer Nicole Armbruster, it is probably the most known work of their career so far. But the cast includes some names that have also appeared in more famous project. This refers to lead actor Louis Hofmann, who recently starred in "Die Mitte der Welt", and a couple others I will talk about later on. As for Hofmann, I have no idea why he is being pushed into a role where people want to see him as the next big thing from Germany in terms of acting. I personally feel that he has very little range and his physical acting (in terms of body language and face expressions) feels virtually the exact limited approach in basically every film he is in. And it seems they always write him characters that have to suffer a lot throughout the films. Too bad, he just can't pull it off. So in my opinion, he is one of the reasons why this film here became as bad as it eventually did. Supporting performances here come from prolific actors like Max Riemelt, Alexander Held and Uwe Bohm (from the German Bohm dynasty that has made quite an impact for a long time already), who plays a violent father again, just like he does in faith Akin's new film "Tschick".As for the story, it is very uninspired in my opinions. The problem of the male protagonist at his home are generic and the acting is weak. It's a story and approach that has been done many times, and most of the times a lot better. Then the boy has to go to a boarding school and this is when the film really hits rock-bottom. The events depicted there have absolutely nothing to do with reality and it is impossible that a school like this would exist for more than a couple weeks before somebody intervenes and closes it immediately, maybe puts the head of this institution behind bars. But this is not what happens here. Here we have the violence go over to the young men in there and they start tormenting each other. So yeah, this film is packed with physical and psychological torture, abuse and humiliation from start to finish. The only purpose I see when it comes to the filmmaker's motivation is probably to shock the audience as much as possible in these slightly over 1.5 hours. And hope that the incompetent audience members do not realize that the film lacks any realism and authenticity altogether. Oh yeah, sexual abuse is a part of the film as well, why miss out on that opportunity right? It's almost offensive to victims of sexual abuse and how this film really mocks them with his absurd story lines. And of that isn't bad enough already, lets just throw in an incestuous relationship between mother and son if there is any member left in the audience that isn't disgusted yet by the action. I know I am. Especially because films like this one do not even get made, but also score awards attention that may motivate more filmmakers in the future to come up with garbage like this. 2 stars out of 10 is basically 2 too many. One of the worst films of 2015 for sure and I suggest you stay far far away.

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