NR | 02 November 2006 (USA)
Salvage Trailers

Claire Parker is going to die. At the hands of a sadistic and depraved killer, she will endure a terrifying, unimaginable brutal death--and it will all happen again. After being beaten, dragged, sliced, and stabbed, Claire awakens at work--where it all began--untouched and unharmed. But the hellish ordeal is far from over. The madman is back and he's ready for more blood...

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Salvage is a wonderful movie. It's very creepy and scary. A girl named Claire is driven home after work by someone named Duke who says he knows her boyfriend who was supposed to pick her up. Duke acts very creepy. After getting to her house, he punches her, stomps on her, drags her into the basement, and kills her. Then she wakes up at work as if it was a dream. This happens over and over again. It starts to seem as if something supernatural is going on. A student's back in Claire's class looks like her spine is extended out, demonic faces appear, her mother acts very strangely, and other things. A scene in a library tells you for sure that the supernatural is gong on. During the climax of the movie, it is revealed that Claire is actually Duke's soul in Hell. Duke was killed by a police officer and was being tortured in Hell based on what he did to Claire. Duke cut off Claire's face and put it over his so his punishment was to become Claire and have what he did to her done to him over and over. This isn't even remotely right. It's basically Claire's soul. So how is this punishment? It's creating another Claire basically and her being tortured. How is that Duke? But that doesn't ruin the movie obviously. It's a wonderful movie. My favorite line is when a police officer talking to Claire on the phone tells her he can't tell her what's going on but she's gonna find out soon enough. That is extremely creepy and you wonder what in the world is going on. Why in the world did he say that?

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I am a rather large fan of horror films and picked this one up as a 'hmmmm, looks interesting'. Boy, was I wrong. Because of the way the film keeps going. The film was very very slow, and also lacked the 'horror' factor that people like me and my friend crave to see. I was also rather unsatisfied with the ending, it didn't give me enough. The acting was less than what I would consider a decent even for a b list film.I have a friend, whom we get together and watch horror and thriller films every weekend with, and this one will definitely go on our "will never watch again" shelf. It did however come in a 4 pack, and we actually enjoyed the other three compared to this one. In fact, when I asked my friend what part did he like, he replied, "The credits."

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Salvage is one of those wonderful surprises that you get when you're a fan of the genre. The film takes several familiar themes, moves along briskly and creepily, and winds up in a very surprising place, and low budget horror seldom surprises me anymore, so good job! It suffers from some typical slasher issues -- the heroine is attractive and likable but she is saddled with an obnoxious boyfriend, some "Hardy Boys Style" investigation that would never happen... but in general this film just plain works. Every time you think you've figured out what is happening and start to "settle in," there is a twist in the road, the leads actors Chris Ferry and Lauren Currie Lewis (who is as hot as the spicy dish that bears her name!) are fine, and overall, I can definitely recommend you check out "Salvage" if you get a chance.

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It is difficult to follow this film, but it's not nearly-impossible, like "High Tension" was. "Salvage" tells the tale of a stressed young woman, Claire, who, unknown to her, is slowly losing her grip on reality. She is murdered by an unknown man, and suddenly wakes up again where her nightmare began.It seems that Claire may have finally gone insane, or she might just be in Hell. It's up to viewers to decide, but one thing's for sure- no matter how fast Claire runs away, the nightmare runs faster as she re-lives it again and again.I personally thought that this film was incredibly similar to "High Tension", but less confusing. It's a true psychological test, I suppose, but the whole thing is LOADED with fun, suspense, and excitement throughout, without forcing you to watch it 50-million times just to figure out the ending.

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