Sadomaster 2: Total Mayhem
Sadomaster 2: Total Mayhem
| 01 April 2011 (USA)
Sadomaster 2: Total Mayhem Trailers

Anarchist punks battle a neo-fascist Argentine government in a near-future dystopia.


I haven't seen original "Sadomaster",but here is my take on "Sadomaster General Locura".A group of punks terrorize city killing and butchering.Their boss is screaming "Anarchy!" and laughing manically.A racist president of Argentina tries to stop spreading anarchy with the help of Noriega,brutal rapist and torturer who enjoys orally raping his victims.Gays,communists,punks,Jews and heavy metal fans are killed in various scenes of bloodshed.It's time for masked hero Sadomaster to stop this reign in blood.Totally revolting and bad taste amateurish junk with plenty of enthusiasm from its crew.The performances are inept and the gore effects are amateurish.Still there are some truly nasty and revolting ideas among all this carnage.Fans of extreme stuff or German old-fashioned grue will love this symphony of blood and rape.6 Sadomasters out of 10.

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A common approach to creating a sequel is to, rather than attack the story from a fresh, new perspective, merely offer a bigger version of the original. Often that's their downfall. But for a filmmaker like German Magarinos, who's single-mindedly devoted to excess, I was hoping for only one thing from this sequel: MORE! More gore, more sexual perversion, more bad-taste humour, more dildos and, of course, more fake moustaches. As the film's title translates as Sadomaster: Total Mayhem, I had a good feeling my expectations were going to be met.The movie opens on some real newsreel footage of riots spliced with newspaper headlines, with a rather ominous ambient soundtrack to set the mood. Considering the 1st Sadomaster's opening credits featured 9/11 footage set to a death metal song, this was already noticeably classier. Could German have gone soft on us?? Naaah! It only takes a few minutes before the gore starts splattering the screen and it doesn't let up from thereon in.The story picks up directly after the first film, with the ultra right-wing Argentinian government doing their best to eliminate the country's Jews, blacks, homosexuals and communists. The Sadomaster has defeated all of the ninja Nazis, but soon meets his demise at the hands of a CGI ED-209 look-alike called the Gaykiller 1500. A new group of anarchists arrive to take down the government, but they're just as bloodthirsty and take great enjoyment from butchering people whenever they feel like it. Of course they're no match for a totalitarian regime, so it's only a matter of time before the Sadomaster has to rise from the grave and finish what he started.In case you haven't guessed by now, Sadomaster: Locura General is not for everyone. For starters, it's really low-budget, to the extent that it makes Peter Jackson's earlier flicks look like... ummm, Peter Jackson's later flicks. But aside from that, the constant display of cheap gore, comic fetishism (gimp masks galore!) and extreme sexual deviancy may be off-putting to some. There's an early scene where the president is being interviewed for a TV program, which concludes with the president's right-hand man mouthraping the interviewer for no reason whatsoever. That's A-OK with me, cause I'm a big fan of surprise man-on-man mouthrape. But if you're the type of viewer who takes a strict stance about man-on-man mouthrape scenes only being used to further the plot, then this movie may not be for you. Obviously, if you're opposed to man-on-man mouthrape scenes altogether, then you'll probably want to give this a miss. Cause there's plenty more man-on-man mouthrape to come.The general style of the movie itself is very much in the tradition of Splatter Farm - ie, a disjointed series of grossouts and weirdness, rather than any clear narrative. But for me, this works in its favour. More than anything else, it's punk rock attitude that fuels this flick. And there is a certain demented anarchic flair at work when we see the movie suddenly jump from a stripper in a gas mask being spanked to Lloyd Kaufman giving a news report about a giant octopus impregnating half the female population of Manhattan. It's moments like that that remind me of why I watch "bad" movies, because you simply won't find that kind of nutsoid WTFness in any of that Oscar-winning stuff.For anyone who digs watching micro-budget SOV splatterfests, this is well worth a watch. And for fans of gratuitous man-on-man mouthrape, it's a bonafide must-see. My only major complaint is that there were less fake moustaches than I was hoping for. But then again, I could say that about every movie.

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Marcel T

Considering this is the first review of the film and my first review ever on IMDb as well, I want to first make clear I didn't work in the movie nor I am a relative of any crew member. I'm just a big fan of Gorevision Films since the day I discovered their movies, with Sadomaster being a personal favorite.It's hard to talk about the plot without giving a lot of spoilers, but let's say that now Argentina has an extreme right government led by Mauricio Beccar Varela, who is back more evil than ever with the help of one of his henchmen, Noriega. The only hope for those who live outside the wall (blacks, jews, communists and homosexuals) is Sadomaster, a masked avenger who fill fight the rotten government no matter what. And while they fight we get a lot of explosions, violence and gore.Just two warnings before you watch Sadomaster: First of all, you should avoid this movie if you're easily offended, like the tagline says Sadomaster is full of rape and murders. So if you don't want to see a guy in a wheelchair being mouth raped, you better stay away from this film. You should also avoid this film if you're expecting some fancy FX like those from the average blockbuster, this is a low budget film or a Z-grade movie, whatever you want to call. If you don't care about these two warnings I'm sure you will have a great time watching Sadomaster.

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