Ryan's Babe
Ryan's Babe
| 14 June 2000 (USA)
Ryan's Babe Trailers

A good heart and bad luck will get you nothing but trouble. That’s what Ryan discovers — the hard way — when he thought hitting the road would solve all of his problems, instead it was just the beginning. Ryan falls into one circumstantial trouble after another. From getting car-jacked at gun-point, being mistaken for a mobster’s son, to a run-in with cheerleaders intent on vigilante justice, Ryan barely escapes one mess before landing in the middle of another. Finally able to go home, Ryan heads back out on the highway. But has his luck really changed, or is there only more trouble in store for our charming hero?


Never before has a film evoked so many different emotions in me. It is a perfectly structured, well thought out, well written and shot film. Ryan's Babe needs a 2018 reboot with Rich Evans as the lead.A must see.

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I tried watching this after reading some of the comments (my favourite: "I thought this picture was better than Casablanca, Citizen Kane, and Gone With The Wind all put together, to the power of seven billion").Sorry. Much as I'd love to cheer on a movie from Saskatchewan, "Ryan's Babe" is utterly unwatchable. The performances, script, and inept direction would be enough to sink it. However, I must single out "composer" Ross Nykiforuk for special mention. His bizarre and relentless score ( and I mean relentless -- the awful music never lets up for a second) had me shaking my head in disbelief.Oh, and what's with the credit "Directed by Ray Ramayya, PhD"? We're pleased that you successfully defended your thesis, Dr. Ray. Now put it to better use.

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Rory Calhoun

I thought this was a movie with much that I call "ha-ha", in that it produced copious amounts of the "ha-ha" as I watched the images produced by this film flicker across the "screen" of my tele-visor. My favourite part was when the policeman turned his automobile around with great haste to arrest the protagonist in this moving picture, for some sort of infringement of local law. I give this movie two thumbs up, even if I no longer have the use of one of my thumbs.

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Hello, I am Greta Van Susteren. I was recently in Canada and came across this move, which melted my cold cold heart. I laughed so hard that I nearly choked on my burrito that I was eating at the time. The makers of this motion picture should be very proud of themselves. I thought this picture was better than Casablanca, Citizen Kane, and Gone With The Wind all put together, to the power of seven billion, I mean this honestly, with no hyberbole. The male lead was a bit drab, but this was made up for by the hilarious ending and that hot little number in his car in the end scene. Whoa momma. She was pretty enough to make even me, the most heterosexual woman of all time think about changing my mind.

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