Rose Of Death
Rose Of Death
| 07 August 2007 (USA)
Rose Of Death Trailers

On prom night ten years ago, a group of drunken friends go too far when trying to scare a couple of their fellow classmates. After accidentally killing one of them, they decide they have to kill the other one in order to cover up the crime and protect themselves and their futures. Now, ten years later, as they start coming together for their high school reunion, each member of the group is being picked off one by one by a ghostly killer as some sort of revenge from beyond the grave.


First of all, I gotta say, movies that start with this setup of friends conspiring to cover up an accident or, in this case, a murder, are hard for me to get in to to begin with. Usually, in a slasher, you need at least one character you can sympathize with. With this set up, I have no one to feel sorry for because, as far as I'm concerned, they all deserve what they get. At least Prom Night and I Know What You Did Last Summer had a fairly decent story and some good shocks to keep the movie moving. This unfortunately did not. What we had here was a poorly shot, very amateur film. In the night time scenes, you can't see a damn thing! Then there was the acting. They all seemed to be reading this off cue cards for the first time, no emotion. Then we had a real gem when the "forensic expert" who was talking to the ridiculously portrayed detectives. She actually said the following: "The victim was then drug over here." DRUG! No one gets DRUG, they get dragged. Any possible suspension of disbelief I had managed to build up to this point went out the window the minute my inner Grammar Nazi said, "WTF?".Overall just a really poor film which truly deserves a lower IMDb rating than it possesses. If you're having trouble falling asleep, pop this one in, it'll do the trick.

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mikyla ramone

Christ almighty, this movie is an absolute waste of time. And I only watched a few minutes! The script is appallingly bad ("There's more to him than sex, Jake!" Well done), the actors are useless, the directing is plain. It was just awful. I feel partly sorry for the actors having to endure the script and I'm sure even Two and a Half Men would be a more witty read. I got so bored of listening to Kevin and Rose blathering on about how she was shallow and switched it off. There isn't much else to comment on except for the rape scene which made me laugh uncontrollably. Now, I'm sorry to be harsh but, frankly, the director/writer should just stop while they're behind. I would recommend it to... no one.

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This movie is credited to horror genre whether its not really the horror here. Its triller at bet and drama at worst. The only horror was the guys who were supposed to be dead survived, if that what makes this movie horror, then excuse me for being old fashioned. The acting were terrifying. one minute the guy cry for his friend second one he looks like nothing ever happened. The story was an "ok". The beginning was way too long, as it was supposed to be introduction and prehistory, not half of film. The middle of film there is nothing happening, it was supposed to make characters realistic, yet it does not. The end was very predictable, there was only one unpredictable scene in car, which i probably slept over (yes, the movie was indeed boring). In beginning you see that there obviously are two different cameras, which you can differ by quality of video. Those, who wish not to read all that long story: this movie is NOT worth watching. I'm giving it a 5 out of ten, considering they had only 35k budget, that leaves it less than 500 bucks per actor counting the travel expenses of filming.

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Good horror film Very good thriller even if it reminded me many other films and scripts that has circulated at the past like the "I know what you did last summer" and other films that bases their script in a story of revenge. Here it is about a couple of young teenagers who are killed from the girl's ex-boyfriend and his friends for jealousy purposes. Many years later the dead couple will get revenge for their death with a strange and torturing way for the people who involved in this tragedy. Usual but very nice script for a revenge story where the director succeed to create a scary atmosphere and force you to wait and see the next move

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