Romantic Comedy
Romantic Comedy
PG | 07 October 1983 (USA)
Romantic Comedy Trailers

Jason is in need of a collaborator to give him inspiration. Phoebe is a small-town English teacher with an urge to write. On the day Jason is being married, Jason and Phoebe meet and form a partnership.


The film consists of more than two hours of a couple of writers, somehow in love with each other but unable or unwilling to marry, fussing, fighting, and shouting. And in the end, even though their sexual escapade proved less than thrilling, they end in a clinch on a couch. Happing ending. The film is not very romantic and certainly isn't funny. The moral dimensions of the script are wholly secular and consistently depressing. Marriage and children are nothing when compared to sexual urges, booze, and fame.But there are some good lines in places. And the acting is superb. Dudley Moore and Mary Steenburgen are something to behold. The music is above average, and Arthur Hiller displays his usual excellence as a director. But even the stars of the film were unable to put life into a lame script that is at least 30 minutes too long.Overall rating: 7 out of 10.

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I first ran across "Romantic Comedy" when it was on cable while I was in High School. (In 1984!!!) I found myself watching it over and over, loving the clever plotting and dialogue. I was just getting involved in acting and stage design then, and knew it was based on a play, having seen the superb "Same Time, Next Year" which is very similar.I love, love , love this movie. More so since I've now played "Jason Carmicheal" on stage. The 2 things that spoil this movie for me are big factors in what made "Same time...." so effective. First, they "open up" the movie to show New York. All well and good, but as with the previous film, the whole idea is that these characters are sealed in a world of their own making. The play takes place entirely in Jason's study. Second, and worse, the costume design, hair and makeup. The story begins in the 50's, and here's Phoebe in the opening credits, with long hair, no hat, no gloves, knee socks!! The only nod to the 50's is she's wearing saddle oxfords. She's a school teacher, not a school student.If they'd done the periods correctly, the changes in her character would have been even more evident. Think of the cast meandering through the 60's. Big hair, loud makeup, short dresses, then the 70's, the environment, falls, polyester, then into the preppy 80's which is pretty much where the entire film looks like it's set. A shame really, this film is so good, and would have been EVEN better if they'd stayed true. But, put that aside. There are great actors, terrific dialogue and wonderful music to be had here. Enjoy!!!!!

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The story involves Jason (Moore) and Phoebe (Steenburgen) as a couple of Broadway playwrights who collaborate on some hits and a few misses, while trying to overlook the fact that they have fallen in love at first sight. The following dialog i really liked and I really had my hopes up for this being an interesting film. He interviews her for potential partnership. Jason: "I have some questions Ms. Craddock do plan on getting married?Phoebe: Eventually Jason: That's not good enough.Phoebe: I'm sorry I didn't know this was an exam.Jason: The point is I don't wan't to invest in a partnership and then suddenly have you get the urge to become a nursing mother.Phoebe: I see.Jason: No you don't! You don't know a damn thing about the Theatre! The working conditions are intolerable the people you have to deal with are ego-centric maniacs and its filled with rejections on every level. When you're writing comedy the opposite of success isn't failure it's embarrassment and it's very public Ms.Craddock, they write HEADLINES". Rooted firmly in the early-1980's comedy mindset of "divorce plus adultery plus Dudley Moore equals entertainment," The two leads spark little chemistry together, Romantic Comedy is neither romantic nor comedic, but I give it 5 out of 10 only because Dudly Moore and Mary Steenburgen ARE good actors and fun to watch despite the weak plot.

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I found this movie light and entertaining. I really don't understand why it was abused by the critics. The perfect Dudley Moore vehicle, consisting of comedy in an all too real and serious romantic life situation. NO... it's not an Oscar winner, but it certainly doesn't deserve the bad rating originally heap on it. If you are looking for a true Romantic Comedy... this is the movie you are looking for. It doesn't require that you think and worry about every twist and turn, but does bring true laughter and entertainment into your home.

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