Robot Chicken DC Comics Special II: Schurken im Paradies
Robot Chicken DC Comics Special II: Schurken im Paradies
| 06 April 2014 (USA)
Robot Chicken DC Comics Special II: Schurken im Paradies Trailers

The Robot Chicken crew takes a peek at what happens when the DC villains end up on the same beach as the DC heroes on spring break!


A wholly superior sequel, and I think what sets this apart from the first outing is the clear sense that the writers are really having fun with this. I don't think any character here comes out spotless (least of all Batman, whose insecurities are exploited for maximum laughs). The villains are paid more attention (specifically Luthor and Gorilla Grodd), but it's all silly. In the end, the big set piece is one disastrous beach day. That's the kind of inanity that makes this so fun.8/10

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Horst in Translation ([email protected])

"Robot Chicken DC Comics Special II: Villains in Paradise" is the second of so far 3 short films in which the Robot Chicken do not exist and instead we see a story full of superheroes. And while I must say the first one was occasionally watchable, even funny at times, this one here is absolutely none of that. It is another step down and that is quite an achievement. This time, we have a romance relationship between the children of Superman and Lex Luthor in the center. The film is packed again with every superhero you can imagine, but most of them really only stand or sit there and add nothing to the movie. The fact that they had their own scenes in the first one really elevated that one. It's strange to see that they made a third one if these 22 minutes here were already quite unfunny. An even bigger mystery to me is how this one won an Emmy. Must have been really bad competition in the category last year or the voters simply have no taste. Even the somewhat famous voice cast (Molina, Hyland, Efron, Ribisi apart from Green) cannot elevate the mediocre material here. Not recommended.

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