Rising Fear
Rising Fear
| 20 April 2017 (USA)
Rising Fear Trailers

When a former marine is framed for a deadly terrorist bombing, he must track down the mastermind behind the plot. But soon he discovers an even deadlier conspiracy that threatens the nation. One that will force him to choose between the freedom of millions, and his own survival.


This genre of movie (apocalyptic, end of the world) are a dime a dozen. Most aren't worth the time invested. I have no idea who in the world Tom Getty is, but him and his family, who got 90% of the credits, hit a home run on a $6K budget. I can't imagine how they did it.Let me give you a hint. Prior to putting this movie in the DVD player, I was re-watching huge budget ID2 on HBO.Rising Fear / America Has Fallen kicked ID2's butt. Yeah, there were some lame parts to the film, but overall, it held together until the final frame. There are not a lot of movies that can claim such an accomplishment.Tom, if you're reading this: Hope you get a nice deal for your next film. You and your crew deserve it.

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David Reed

Some movies are bad in such a way that they're entertaining or amusing. This is not such a movie. This one is just painful to watch and painful to listen to because the directing, editing, and acting is all so bad. At one point early on the doughy, half-dimensional "star" was being tortured and I actually envied him because he wasn't sitting on my couch watching this movie.I gave it 2 stars instead of 1 because it obeyed my commands and stopped when I pressed the Stop button.

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Michael Ledo

Ryan Taylor (Tom Getty) former Marine special ops gets tricked into dialing a phone number that blows up a building in Pittsburgh because they give tax breaks for filming there. He is captured and the truth doesn't work so he escapes from the CIA? and is on a quest to save the President and Pittsburgh from an Al Qaeda Darth Vader looking bad guy from Chechnya who spouts corny recycled lines from a Uwe Boll film. This is all the while avoiding CG rockets launched from helicopters in downtown Pittsburgh. Cool, if you're 12.The film lacked character build up and the necessary love story in lieu of a slightly twisty plot that wasn't that good. Didn't really care if Ryan Taylor lived or died. There was nothing special about him.Guide: No swearing sex or nudity.

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I want to start with "bravo". The movie wasn't that bad, the beginning absolutely grabs your attention after that, ehhh. The reason why, the acting, directing and graphics. It's obvious that the other reviews here are from people connected to this film. Come on, 10 out of 10? Die hard meets matrix? This movie is no where near those, it can't be without a bigger load of cash. That begin said, I have no doubt, with bigger money, better actors and perhaps directing it would've been a blockbuster - well, maybe. I have to mention that Tom seems a bit full of himself. I say that not because I have anything against him, it just shows when looking over it all. He should've focused on the directing rather than trying to be a leading man in the film. He is not a believable hot shot. The look, doesn't say ex marine. I know, let's not take the path all others have taken, a muscular tough guy, but they should've gone with some else more fitting. There has to be a believable 'look' to him. The other guy, the main fbi guy seems to be trying to pull off a Tom Cruise impersonation. It just really comes down to the acting - not good. The directing wasn't great but wasn't that awful. Just needs a little more work and thought. The graphics, again, eh. I can't say they were terrible. I would say 50/50, at times they looked decent, other times they looked absolutely horrible. Some of the lines in the movie make you say "what!?! Did they really say that? Are they kidding?". Overall it's a 3 or 4 star film(out of 10). The acting kills it. The unrealistic Lead hot shot, kills it. At times the graphics and directing kill it. It's a hell of an effort, especially considering the cash used to do it all. The story seems great and this could've been huge if done differently..(actors directing graphics and so on..).

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