Rip's Toast to Hudson
Rip's Toast to Hudson
| 30 September 1896 (USA)
Rip's Toast to Hudson Trailers


W. K. L. Dickson's 1896 film serial (the first serial ever, actually) which tells the story of Rip van Winkle may be the very first film ever to tell a story in the history of cinema. (And it still technically counts as one movie because of all eight installments being edited together in 1903 to make a complete film). The reason they did this is very understandable, considering looking at each clip you won't really find much to see and it's only until you put them together as one movie that you get what they were trying to accomplish. "Rip's Toast to Hudson and Crew" is the fifth in the series, following "Rip Leaving Sleepy Hollow" and preceding "Rip's Twenty Year Sleep". It's basically a twenty or so second clip featuring actor Joseph Jefferson as Rip toasting, as the title suggests, the ghosts of Hudson (who I think was a pirate captain) and his crew. What did you expect for twenty seconds? Again, not easy to see what they were attempting just by looking at it by itself and I feel they could have combined this with the last three installments of the series since it's the same setting and leaves off so quickly. I guess I'll never know why they didn't, or couldn't. Too bad.

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Horst in Translation ([email protected])

Now it looks like Rip is building up some kind of friendly relationship to the dwarfs. Hudson must be one of them. Rip is definitely having a good time in this one. Somebody gave him a glass of alcohol, most likely beer, and he's toasting to everybody around him. The dwarfs are just watching Joseph Jefferson's character wondering what's going on. It could be a hot day as the beer doesn't seem to do good on Rip at all. He's staggering, losing his head without even recognizing being the center of attention surrounded by the dwarfs.I'd really only recommend it to those interested in the very early years of cinema. And even there you'll find more significant and watch-worthy projects than this one.

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Rip's Toast (1896) Rip Meeting the Dwarf (1896) Exit of Rip and the Dwarf (1896) Rip Leaving Sleepy Hollow (1896) Rip's Toast to Hudson and Crew (1896) Rip's Twenty Years' Sleep (1896) Awakening of Rip (1896)Rip Passing Over Hill (1896) The American Mutoscope Company is responsible for the above eight films, which feature actor Joseph Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle, the famous character we all know. These eight films were originally made in 1896 and sold separately as different films but in 1903 the studio edited them together to make Rip Van Winkle. Looking at them separately is pretty interesting but knowing more of their history would be good. I'm guessing the eight films were released at different times so I guess you could call these an early attempt at what would become a serial. Jefferson is pretty good in his role as Rip, although he doesn't have too much to do except look jolly in some of the films or greet the dwarf in others. The Awakening of Rip is pretty good as we get to see the actor made up as an old man and he doesn't look too bad considering when the film was made. All eight run 20-25 seconds total so with that in mind these are an interesting bit of history.

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