Rio Diablo
Rio Diablo
| 28 February 1993 (USA)
Rio Diablo Trailers

Kenny Roger's leaves his good-guy image behind as the rugged, gutsy Quentin Leach, a bounty hunter with a quick temper and a trigger finger to match. If you're an outlaw with a price on your head, Leach is the last man you'll want to meet. Travis Tritt, in an impressive acting debut, stars as Benjamin Tabor, a man out for blood after a gang of murderous bank robbers flee with his beautiful young bride. Together, Tabor and Leach take to the Trail with guns blazing in search of the same outlaws. And they're not going to stop until they find them - dead or alive.


OK movie but like most Westerns, directors seem to forget realism. Before the cons, one pro. Leech shoots holding his revolver with both hands. One handed shooting is or amateurs and "movie cowboys." I've ridden horses all my life and when you are out in the middle of nowhere and dismount, the last thing you do is turn your horse loose without tying them up. These guys do. How stupid! Gee, it's only thirty eight miles back to town, I don't have any water or food so I think I'll just turn O'l Buck loose. How unrealistic. Guns are LOUD. Yet no one ever flinches or even reacts to the noise. Shots inside a room would be deafening. And their horses don't even twitch. A lever action rifle pushes the first round into the chamber. Then each time the lever is worked an empty cartridge is ejected. But for dramatic effect, shooters work the lever and nothing comes out. I know water is scarce, but some of those guys looked like they hadn't washed in years. Typical western. Greasy, dirty guys and the hottest women in the west.

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Except for a couple of fatal errors, "Rio Diablo" could have been a great spaghetti western. Kenny Rogers is outstanding as the bounty killer so ruthless he makes "the man with no name" seem like a sissy. Travis Tritt is pretty good, too. Unfortunately, Tritt fails to develop the kind of buddy chemistry with Rogers that's needed for this story (1st mistake). Naomi Judd, on the other hand, is embarrassingly bad as the madam. She's too classy looking and refined, and her line readings are terrible. If Rogers really insisted on casting a country star, he should have considered Dolly Parton or Barbara Mandrell (2nd mistake). Stacey Keach is convincingly slimy in his small, surprise role. However, he resembles one of the main baddies too much,creating unnecessary confusion.In spite of its flaws, "Rio Diablo" is considerably better than another 90s spaghetti knockoff, "The Quick and the Dead." I give "Rio Diablo" a "6".

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Although the movie was...OK at best, I have to admit that I was actually in the film. If you go to the chapter on the DVD that has the wedding and the bank robbery and look carefully you will see me when I was about 13. Before the wedding you see a family in the back ground with a boy in a hat, that was me! Then after the wedding you see a boy walk across the screen and pat Travis Tritt on the back, that was me. and once more during the bank robbery shoot out scene, you see a full screen shot of a boy picking up money and shoving it into a hat, that was me too! well those are my fifteen minutes of fame and I wear them well.

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The typical motifs of the spaghetti westerns can be found also here. The Kenny Rogers character represents greed and the Travis Tritt character is fueled by revenge. His beautiful wife (played by Miss USA) got captured and they are both behind the baddies. Kenny Rogers seems to old as the merciless bounty-hunter and Travis Tritt doesn´t really convince, either. Photography is very well done and stylish, art direction is proper. The plot develops well without any logical flaws. The baddies are stock characters.Neat and cute run-of-the-mill Hollywood production5 / 10.

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