Revelation: The End of Days
Revelation: The End of Days
| 29 December 2014 (USA)
Revelation: The End of Days Trailers

The bombing of Jerusalem's Wailing Wall sparks years of global torment as a Pennsylvania cop seeks hundreds of thousands of mysteriously missing children, while two scientists try to stop a deadly pandemic and a reporter tries decoding the Bible.


The story is more than an inspired production based on the prophecies contained in the Book of Revelations, it describes events in sequential order as contained in the Bible. If you view it as a science fiction action thriller then you may be disappointed by some of the technical flaws and pitfalls described in other reviews. Watch it objectively and compare what you see with what is described in scripture. Surprisingly or not, the events described are actually based on widely accepted interpretations of symbolism contained in the final book of the Bible. The footage criticized by other reviewers is actually quite effective in conveying predicted chaos and widespread unrest that scripture says will affect the entire world. In the end, it's worth watching.

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This absurd fiction piece is unbelievably boring. It is not worth watching, or should I say it is unwatchable. The cinematography is annoying, the editing is erratic, the plot is not engaging, the story is contrived. It begs to believed at every turn. The fact that this attempt at suspense is on the History Channel. This attempt to lure unsuspecting viewer to poor biblical programming demonstrates the desperate alliance between deluded Christian evangelists and Hollywood carpetbaggers. These stories lack substance and foster dangerous conspiracy theories and give validity to barbaric eschatological fantasies. Revaluation: the end of days is religious propaganda disguised as entertainment. Why bother calling it history when it is obviously fiction and supposedly a prediction of future events by a book that couldn't describe the world around it or one basic scientific reality. Not one! If The History Channel wants to show accurate biblical history, they should return to the previous programs and historians, archaeologists, biologists, chemists, cosmologists, and other purveys of fact, and in fact, history.

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I don't know who thought it would be a good idea to do a story on Revelation without ever reading the Bible but that's what we've got here. Someone picked up a Bible and ripped a few verses screaming and bleeding out of context and tried to weave a humanistic interpretation of how Revelations should be told. The "anti-Christ" supposedly kills himself or is shot by his own forces and "Jesus" supposedly returns in some unseen way and doesn't even show Himself, let alone stay and set up His millennial kingdom. In the end we're left to believe that "man" starts to make things better, slowly, for himself. It's the same pure humanistic, anti-God drivel that I've come to expect from these channels. Four wasted hours of my life that I'll never get back... what a joke, and truly sad for a World that deserves to know the truth of Jesus' return at the end of days!

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The basic premise is familiar. The (Christian) rapture occurs and those left behind attempt to interpret and react. An important event if/when it comes to pass, to be sure. Perhaps I've been desensitized by other disaster movies, but the first part left me disappointed. Surely if a large group of people disappear at one time those left will be more inquisitive? I reluctantly stuck around for part 2 and was glad I did. The storyline was better thought out. The scenarios were imaginatively presented. Not a masterpiece, but not a bad try either. Portraying prophesied events is no easy task. Here's hoping that other storytellers pick this thread up and try again.

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