Return of the Street Fighter
Return of the Street Fighter
| 27 April 1974 (USA)
Return of the Street Fighter Trailers

Martial artist Takuma Tsurugi returns to take on a Yakuza family that may be embezzling money from charities to finance their own operations. Both the police and the Yakuza find themselves battling Tsurugi, but Tsurugi's fight ultimately is with the mob, and he concentrates on them.

Simon Booth

Sonny Chiba returns as Tsurugi, slightly more well-mannered here as befits a film that is neither as gory or as good as the original. The plot is straightforward - Tsurugi upsets the mafia, they send hordes of goons to kill him, he kicks their asses. The film has plenty of fight scenes that are still intense and brutal, but tones down the level of animal rawness... it does offer us a bit of nudity in exchange, but frankly it's no substitute for a guy getting his genitalia ripped off in a fight.Still, it is pretty entertaining and the fight scenes are still impressive.

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Terry Sugury (Sonny Chiba) returns as the merc for hire in this sequel to the classic original. This time around Terry is hired by a business man (in other words gangster) who is building a super martial arts academy by soliciting "donations" for the school by falsely using the name of Terry's teacher. But when the teacher catches wind of the plot and nearly assassinated the street fighter quickly shows the baddies who really is boss.Thoughts: This highly energetic (and I feel better) sequel is a nonstop blast. The action is more abundant this time around with some lovely gore too (the eyeball scene was so cool). Yeah the dubbing still stinks and we have yet another suspect henchman but hey run with it you'll be glad you did. S10 gives the film an 8 out of 10.

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Bogey Man

Director Shigehiro Ozawa and Sonny Chiba did this sequel immediately after their first Street Fighter (1974) in 1974-5. The plot is almost identical (what there is) as Sonny is again Terry who does dirty jobs for the mob and never has any morality in his mind bothering him. He just kills and kicks people's asses if the job requires that. Well so much for any "deeper" elements this film would have had; these are just ultra violent action films which are there only to offer the audience more savage action than those of HK film makers' of the same period.Return of the Street Fighter has many flashbacks from the first film and never seems too original or interesting, but still it is never boring or hard to watch without falling asleep. The action is plentiful and Sonny tries again to be ultra cool and tough guy with some misogynistic habits, too. The violence is laughably over the top but still shocking and extreme enough to secure the highest X rating (or NC-17) for this kind of film, and so a film this savage would never come from Hollywood nowadays.If one likes mindless action and memorable music score with strong imagery of gratuitous violence, then Return of the Street Fighter is worth a watch, but still I prefer the original first Fighter film (not that it is any remarkable masterpiece either). These films are Japan's answer to Hong Kong's Bruce Lee and Jimmy Wang Yu, but ten times more vicious, mindless and cinematically not so ambitious. 4/10

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After the visceral dynamite of THE STREETFIGHTER this one comes as a bit of a disappointment, but check it out for a couple of outrageous sequences. What really sucks is the overdependence on flashback footage from the original and some truly nonsensical plot points (*SPOILER* When escaping from a police station, rather than use the door, Chiba kicks through a wall and runs away!!!). The fight on a ski slope is worth waiting for though, and the end of that fight will make you do a double-take. Points are subtracted for Chiba's incredibly annoying "hipster" girl sidekick. Halfway through the film you'll want to see him knock her teeth out! Overall, not a bad way to waste an hour-and-a-half, but do not expect anything near the original.

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