Redemption: A Mile from Hell
Redemption: A Mile from Hell
| 01 January 2009 (USA)
Redemption: A Mile from Hell Trailers

Can one act justify a lifetime of wickedness? Explore the darkest confines of the soul from Robert Conway's film, "Redemption." A genre busting Western where there is no law, no good guys; only the bad and worse. Frank Harden is no stranger to the unlawful west, he is a killer. However, because of a tragic event he must battle his own worst enemy, himself.


I am not knocking Netflix but one of the reasons I keep the old school service of renting DVD's is so I can access movies that don't seem to be available from other sources. That in mind, I am prepared to see a lot of movies that that I probably would not see from anywhere else not even on cable.Redemption is better than a lot of the westerns that I get to see through this service. The sets, costuming, and acting are pretty good. I am only disappointed by two things: when it was supposed to be dark, it was too dark to see anything. Also, not to appear morbid, no one explained why the dead woman was tied to a stake in the street.Good job on a very limited budget.

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I accidentally rented this movie in the redbox tonight. What a mistake. I will definitely be more careful next time. This movie sucked so bad that you could actually hear the air leaving the room. I've seen better movies made by the av club of a local high school. The only redemption this movie got was in the period clothing. Characters were shallow, plot was non-existent, and acting...... Was there any? After watching this morning, I felt like I'd been gut shot.Too bad the Apostle couldn't have put me out of my misery like he did the star. I wish I could meet the person that put their money up to make this crapfest. If they bought into this movie, maybe they'll buy the beach front property I have in Kansas.

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My husband and I just watched Redemption last night. I saw a big "goof". Did anyone else notice the two shots with the American flag? It has 50 stars on it! Last I knew from my history classes, back in the late 1800's, the United States did not have 50 states, yet! Most of the props, that I noticed, did seem like they were dated correctly. I hate to watch movies where the props are not dated right. Some of the language was modern day. My husband really liked the realism of this movie, and he is somewhat of a western movie buff. He enjoyed the fact that they wore their guns where they were supposed to. At least when the guy got hurt, he stayed hurt and limped around, not like those action movies where they heal and don't feel any pain. I wish life was like that! I loved Capt. Till's hair! Great perm! It wasn't all that bad, I've seen worse. All in all, it was worth the $1.00 at Red Box. I would not pay $5.00 for it on Direct TV!

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It was a good western to the end. Lots of nudity and more violence then i expected as well. It has the look and feel of the ol "Spaghetti" Westerns shot in Spain in the 1960's. Same ol revenge plot that always worked in those films works here but it has a cool and original enough ending to make it stand out. I don't think it had a huge budget but the locations are very kool as well. The priest character is very cool and well preformed. By far the most interesting I think. No big stars but solid performers and cool camera work/editing/exct.. Good gun battles and other cool effects. I don't know who many theater houses will show it but it was worth checking out if you love westerns.

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