Red Team
Red Team
R | 23 January 2001 (USA)
Red Team Trailers

FBI Agent Jason Chandler has devoted his life to enforcing the law. But on the trail of a series of mysterious murders surrounding some of society's deadliest serial killers, Agent Chandler is forced down a path where no one can be trusted. Only this time, sociopathic killers are being meticulously murdered one by one in grisly circumstances - and it's no coincidence. Now, to search for justice, he must uncover the truth. And the life he must protect will be his own.


I was genuinely impressed with this movie, having rented it randomly from the movie store. The Crimson Code is a pretty intense thriller featuring a tight script with a few well-positioned plot twists. It was thoroughly entertaining, and I was impressed by Jeremy Haft's direction... it looks like he's a relatively new director with a real gift for crafting suspense and tension. For an independent movie, they put together a pretty interesting cast, including Cathy Moriarty, the Oscar-nominated actress. As a fan of the genre, I was drawn into this thriller pretty quickly, but I think any movie fan would love to watch Crimson Code.

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The acting of Patrick Muldoon and Cathy Moriarty as runners up for the police squad named the "Red Team" that so effectively took care of the serial killers was perhaps admirable considering the lines and characters the script makers gave them. This movie is a total copycat movie of all the lousy serial killer movies you have seen in your lifetime. It is a long time since I have seen such a badly written piece of film write. It had all the stereotypes; the computer geek (that wasn't even a true geek here), the rotten cops, the seductive woman cop that gets the good cop in bed (utterly distasteful and not fitting in the movie), the clever serial killer and yatta yatta yatta... The music is horribly added to the scenes and the editing is just horrendous. I feel sorry for the producers of this film. The director... I am speechless. Since still could imagine two stages of making a still worse film I give it an undeserved 3/10. Better luck next time "Team Red".

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They weren't ready to make this movie when they filmed it. It so much reminded me of a great idea in the midst of thinking it through, like a rough draft of a novel with all the flaws glaring and ready to be fixed. But they filmed it anyway, unrepaired. There wasn't a single surprize, which this kind of movie demands, but they were so close to delivering one with an adjustment here and there. Patrick Muldoon was not the actor to take this lead. We can't buy him as the hero, he just doesn't convince us he's who he's supposed to be. We get faces and expressions and action filmed from an impossible to participate angle. The idea of a serial killer taking out serial killers is an exciting premise with much promise but the writer's couldn't deliver, or whoever was responsible for the final product, the exceptional film this idea deserved. This is a notion that should slip in there with the Silence of the Lambs. We should squirm and fear the scene that comes next. We shouldn't see the G rated climax coming from a mile away, or the plot twists so far in advance we don't mind going to the fridge while they unfold. Fred Ward, who can be a lot of fun, was horribly miscast. This was a really great idea hurried into production and what could have been a riveting thriller fails to make us twitch. I hope they take this idea and run with it again, with more octane. It's rock solid idea. Rock solid ideas shouldn't go limp.

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Well, first off, my cousin directed this movie (Jeremy Haft), but I'd like to say that my opinion has nothing to do with my relation to him. I thought that the plot of the movie was great, it kept you on the edge of your seat. Not many people have seen it because I believe it hasn't really been released to anything yet, but I was at the premier. The actors are great and the lines are unforgettable. You'll remember the thrill of this movie forever. :)I know I will.

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