Raw Deal: A Question Of Consent
Raw Deal: A Question Of Consent
| 20 January 2001 (USA)
Raw Deal: A Question Of Consent Trailers

A documentary about the circumstances during a party at a University of Florida fraternity that led up to what may or may not have been a rape. Interspersed with actual footage shot by the fraternity brothers on the night of the incident, including the sexual acts. This video led to the police not pressing charges and the involvement of NOW, and eventually led to the fraternity getting kicked off campus.


This brilliant documentary tells the shocking true story of a stripper who claims she was raped while on a call at a frat house. The events that unfolded during the oncoming investigation were truly devastating for the victim.The beauty of this incredibly difficult film is that the director doesn't take sides. It would have been easy for him to suggest that the stripper was the victim and the frat boys, the bad boys, but the director steers away from all judgement and lets the audience decide for themselves.It also shows that the victim of the case can be made out to be the villain, which is devastating because it has the power for victims of sexual crimes not to report these horrid actions, because of fear that they will be torn apart psychologically by lawyers and public opinion.If you can stomach some truly disturbing themes, Raw : A question of consent is a brilliant and thought provoking documentary, that you wont forget any time soon!Go and see it !

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This is a fantastic documentary on a case of an alleged rape in a frat house. It is so controversial because of its ambiguity. I have a certain opinion on the incidents portrayed in this film, but it is important for the viewer to interpret it as he pleases.Although I'm sure the creator of this film must have an opinion of his own, the interesting thing about the final outcome is that any interpretation can be backed up by the material gathered here.Be warned this documentary can be hard to watch at times. The footage used through out most of the film is the one the frat members took during a party were the incident took place.

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paul young

I am not easily shocked, nor am I prone to anger. However, I just finished watching this film and feel disgusted and angry. The thing that disturbs me the most, is how people who saw the footage could possibly conceive the sequence of events as normal consentual sex. That includes some of the people who have posted comments on this site. Make no mistake, Lisa King was not wise to go back to that "party" she was not wise to continue drinking. However, this mistake and this recklessness does not mean that she deserved what happened to her. Shame on anyone who feels that the boys cant be blames for what they did, just because an intoxicated woman flirts with you, does not mean you have the green light to have sex with her. It is painfully painfully clear that Lisa did not want Mike to continue, she never kissed him, she fought him, she taunted him, the only time she ever conceeded was when he chocked her, bit her toe, or any of the other times when he stepped up his use of force to a point that hurt her or scared the hell out of her.If this was consentual why did she never appear to be enjoying herself? I feel upset that these particulars even need to be explained, as it just so simply clear that this was an act of domination and and not one of consentual sex. The prosecuters, the judge, the boys at the party, and anyone who believes that this was not rape, really needs to look at their understanding of how to treat another human being. The level of acceptance of what happened that morning is truly a disturbing comment on the standards of humanity in society today.

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I do not have any sympathy for Lisa. To go to a frat party and perform sexual and oral acts on another woman and many boys, does she really expect these "men" to respect her when they believe they are paying for her services. It disgusted me how these frat boys just used her body. They took advantage of her intoxication. She chose to stay at the party and chose to drink more. Be accountable for the decisions you make - to prance around totally naked and displaying your privates, you really expect men to care for your welfare - not take advantage of you? The profession she was in makes me think that all prostitutes are raped because they are only doing this for money (very few do it for the pleasure of sex) therefore the performing act of sex is done against their will because in desperate times they cannot choose their customers. These boys need to have more respect for women regardless of their "class". I don't see Lisa as a crack head whore white trash but a woman with low self esteem that made a wrong decision to trust the frat organizer.

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