"Der kleine Rabe Socke" or "Raven the Little Rascal" is a German German-language film from 2012, so this one has its 5th anniversary this year. Most of the people who worked on this film have pretty solid careers, especially the two directors if you take a look at all the other stuff they contributed to. Actually some really successful animated films in there. And yes this one here is animated and the simple, almost nostalgic style works well with the plot and general idea. It's probably a film that is rather for those who are very young. Or very young at heart. It is a really innocent and harmless movie and at easily under 80 minutes (including credits already) a fairly short film. But that's perfectly fine. Better this way than stuffed with mediocre filler material. And those who can't get enough, can check out the sequel or watch the series as Rabe Socke is really popular these days. Even a third film will probably come out in early 2019. As for this one here: You will not find too many big names in the voice acting cast, maybe the Thalbachs and von Jascheroff, but that's it. Oh yeah the main character is voiced by rap musician Jan Delay, who may like a surprising choice, but he does have a unique voice and I think he really does a good job. Like everybody else basically. The story is about a raven and his sheep and bear friend who go on a journey to the beavers to ask them to fix the dam that Socke broke. For him, it is also a journey to truthfulness and responsibility and eventually about how to act properly when making new friends when he meets a beaver girl, the only one from all the beavers really willing to help him. So yes, there is some decent heart in here, likable characters, some nice love to detail like the bear tricycle reference and also solid retro animation. Maybe there is no real greatness in any area, no single aspect that makes this film one of the best from 2012, but there doesn't need to be in order for me to recommend the watch here. Germany has done way worse many times when it comes to animated films. This one here gets a thumbs-up from me. Certainly worth checking out if you love the genre. Actually, "like" would be enough too. Go check it out.
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