R | 11 October 2000 (USA)
Rangers Trailers

A black ops unit goes to middle east after a terrorist. They are betrayed and their operative is caught. Later, unit leader starts an investigation. Meanwile the enemy offers the operative a chance for revenge against his superiors.


There are two sure ways to identify a movie filmed on a low, low budget. One is when blaring mistakes are made in the continuity and detail of the movie and not caught by the film maker. For instance, when a character is introduced as a sergeant in one scene, and then in the very next scene, he's a lieutenant. Or, when a boat is rented for a scene and the flashing red lights of the burglar alarm are left on outside the entrance to the cabin while filming the sequence. This in and of itself isn't that bad, but, when the scene starts off with a burglar breaking into the boat right next to said flashing red lights, one can't help but notice and wonder how that got missed. That's right, you guessed it, these are but a couple examples of the myriad of mistakes made in `Rangers'. The amount of footage stolen from other movies is the other way to quickly ID a cheap movie. Of course, I've seen movies where a few seconds of a scene from a different film is used without it being noticed to much. But `Rangers' goes way to far in this respect. Twenty five minutes of footage is used in `Rangers' from the Chuck Norris flick `Invasion U.S.A'. In fact, during one stolen scene, one can see the main bad guy from `Invasion U.S.A', Richard Lynch, leading his band of terrorists on the assault of a government building; a scene which is suppose to be from `Rangers'. It's almost like the writer of `Rangers' ran out of ideas in the middle of making the movie and decided to stick any old chunk of film in there to fill the hole. A little advice to any aspiring film makers out there, don't steal footage from a really bad movie and add it to your own really bad movie. This only makes for a really, really bad movie. And that's my opinion of `Rangers', a really, really bad movie.

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Theo Robertson

The TV guide described this as " Fast and furious " , well I`d describe this film as diahorrea because it`s fast and furious faeces . I wasn`t expecting it to be up to much but I was shocked as to what a poor film RANGERS is ****** POSSIBLE SPOILERS ******* But don`t worry you won`t want to see this movieThe film starts with an airborne shot of a hercules C-130 then it cuts to the interior of the plane - Which in no way resembles a C-130 , It resembles a gym changing room ! - where we`re introduced to the characters in some of the most painful exposition I`ve seen of having the leader discuss what the mission is and why they`re all wearing Syrian army uniforms.Cut to some stock footage of men skydiving from a plane at dawn and then landing into the sea where they inflate a couple of rubber dingys underwater then cut to them resurfacing where it`s pitch black ! Some team of special forces if it takes them all day to inflate a couple of dingys . And wouldn`t the delta force or navy SEALS be doing this sort of stuff ? I`m just kind of curious why this film is called RANGERS ?So they carry on with their mission which confused me because if they`re posing as Syrians then that can only mean the action is taking place in Syria or the Lebanon ,neither country being at war so why`s this taking place in the middle of a war zone ? It gets worse though because one of the team says :" This jobs easier than that twenty buck hoe I had in Las Vegas "Yup there`s nothing more endearing to an audience than knowing one of the heroes has to pay for sex . In fact would a prostitute in Vegas be charging as little as twenty bucks ? Shows you how bad a film like RANGERS is when you find yourself asking questions like that .Enough . I could spend several pages writing about this piece of garbage but it`s not worth it . It`s a cheap straight to video film composed of stock footage and a bunch of non actors giving the impression they`re making the story up as they go along . I won`t finish on the old cliche that I wasted ninety minutes of my life on this crap because I only wasted thirty minutes of my life on it as I turned it off when the guy got blown out of the window

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What I learned from Rangers:1-There are a lot of token black guys 2-Briefings to super-elite Ranger units are done minutes before being deployed on a mission while flying miles above earth in a plane. 3-It goes from sunrise to midnight in about 5 minutes. 4-Charlie Sheen does many non-mentioned and short cameos in this B-rated film. 5-Where'd the SCUBA gear come from? 6-After falling and then deploying their parachutes, miles from shore they know exactly where to find a cache of deflated boats. 7-Rangers can change laced army boots to swimming flippers in a matter of seconds, while falling at terminal velocity. 8-AK-47 weapons that the Rangers possess, magically can change to MP5 submachine guns. 9-You SHOULD look at the camera. 10-After firing a bazooka round and blowing up part of a building and creating lots of smoke, no fire alarms nor sprinkler systems go on. 11-When boarding a helicopter, the shape of the call numbers change. 12-The Rangers can instantly transport themselves into different positions, like on the helicopter. 13-Your are supposed to blink A LOT when shooting an automatic weapon. 14-You don't bleed when you are shot, not until at least many hours after the fact. 15-Military hair regulations are not in effect for women officers. 16-In terrorist land Brandy and Whisky are the same thing, and when they are poured, bubbles appear. 17-Elite military soldiers live off base, in big houses with wives. 18-Alex can commute back and forth from Florida to DC in a matter of seconds with his friend, many times a day. 19-Elite soldier's marksmanship is terrible at short range. 20-Pistol clips hold about 30 rounds. 21-Grenades, when thrown get to their target very fast then blow up. 22-You can be promoted to Sergeant to Lieutenant in a matter of days.

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This supposed action pic should be marketed as a comedy. Of errors that is. Wooden acting, a ridiculous plot, and numerous continuity errors could be over looked if you watch this as a laff packed action fest. Right from the get go you know your in la la land when the rangers jump out of a Hercules transport at dawn somewhere over the mideast, but then after a water landing they surface in the dark! The continuity errors continue throuout the pic, costumes and make up change multiple times within scenes. But ya know what, it does'nt matter! The script is even more ludicrous. After the Rangers capture a terrorist and bring him to the USA the bad guys do a night landing of several hundred baddies on a FL beach using WW2 landing craft! Yuh Right!All this does'nt matter if you view this as a 6 pack comedy! You get paratrooper fu! Our favorite 90's [and new millennium!] bad guys, the typical Hollywood Arab idiots, and best of all, a duelling bus-fu chase to top it all off! I love bus chases... esp. when trains are involved!

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