Raising Jeffrey Dahmer
Raising Jeffrey Dahmer
| 13 April 2006 (USA)
Raising Jeffrey Dahmer Trailers

Based on the true story of the mass murderer Jeffrey Dahmer, the events within the family behind, and leading up to, his capture.


This movie is more for people who have studied up on Jeff Dahmer in order to try to understand why a human being would do what he did to other humans. It also serves as a warning to other parents to be on the lookout for typical serial killer childhood behavior. The actors were a bit stiff, but the inner struggle by Dahmer's father was portrayed very well. Everything that occurred in the movie was true as reported by Jeff's father (except I was not sure about the truth as to what occurred with Detective Amos in the movie).The artsy flashbacks to Jeff's childhood were effective and well done. This was a difficult subject matter to put into film. Since I already had an interest in Jeff Dahmer and was aware of what has been reported about his childhood - I feel that I got more out of it than the typical viewer.

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Duncan Jackson

Snooty, pompous, and pointless. This movie makes a very weak attempt to use art-house-style drama to represent the story of Dahmer. I actually got fooled into initially thinking that it was a documentary. The cover is somewhat misleading in this regard, and, if you make the same mistake I did, then you will be super-disappointed. The acting is poor, the film-work is poor, even the soundtrack is corny and revolting. There is nothing in this movie that is good. The only good thing that happened was when my flatmate walked in front of the TV and obscured my vision. I gave Raising Jeffrey Dahmer 1 star because I was forced to by the system. My real rating is definitely in the negatives. To the movie maker: Why oh why did you do this? To the consumer: Do NOT buy this. Spend your money on ANYTHING else.

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We have 3 cats and 2 dogs. I think we could have organized them to do a better re-enactment of Jeffrey Dahmer's childhood than this film. The movie is 100 minutes long; we made it 60 minutes--so, to be fair, I haven't even seen the whole movie. I just couldn't bear it. This looks like a film put together by a group of high school students in a movie-making class. And not even high-achieving students. The acting was awful, although I felt a great deal of pity for the actors in this film. They really never had a chance. Lots of corny flashbacks. Not even sure of the film's accuracy based on other things I've heard and read on Dahmer. I have to say...might be the worst movie I've ever seen. I can't believe this was even in the video store. Please, spare yourself! Avoid this one at all costs!

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One would assume that a movie named "Raising Jeffrey Dahmer" would deal largely with his childhood. Instead, the movie begins with his arrest and deals largely with the stress of his parents face trying to deal with the media. There are flashbacks to childhood events, but they are short, stylized, and presented out of chronological order. They are more distracting and confusing than they are enlightening. The step-mother is played in a very distant, emotionless manner that makes it impossible to determine what she is going through and difficult to sympathize with her. The father spends most of the film being shown reacting to discoveries and incidents so we do not have an opportunity to get close to him either. His emotional range was too one-dimensional to get a clear picture of who he really is as a person. The movie is somewhat interesting, but it didn't live up to it's potential. I expected to see Jeffrey raised through childhood complete with all the clues and hints about how he might turn out. I expected to see a film that puts us in the place of the parents and allows us to feel the struggle between a parents unconditional love for a child and reconciling the horrible crimes committed by the child. I would have enjoyed this as a straight documentary or as a revealing, emotional docudrama. Instead, the director chose to focus on being artsy. I didn't hate this film, but I was left very disappointed.

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