Queen of Spades: The Dark Rite
Queen of Spades: The Dark Rite
| 10 September 2015 (USA)
Queen of Spades: The Dark Rite Trailers

There is an ancient ritual known to humankind for more than a hundred years...According to the legend, an ominous entity known as The Queen of Spades can be summoned by drawing a door and staircase on a mirror in the darkness, and by saying her name three times. The Queen of Spades gets her energy from reflective objects; she cuts locks of hair from those asleep, and those that see her go mad or die. Four teenagers decide to call The Queen of Spades as a joke. But when one of them dies of a sudden heart attack, the group realizes they are up against something inexplicable and deadly dangerous.

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Russian movies... didn't see alot of them and the ones I saw were just not good. But this one is actually okay, especially for a horror movie. It might not be the scariest thing you ever saw but it has some dark vibes in it. The athmosphere is creepy, and the soundtrack is good and that's important if you want a decent horror movie because half of the dark ambiance in horror movies is due to a good soundtrack. I couldn't say much about the actors, because I don't know any of them, but they were all good enough to make this movie believable. Believable in the sense that their acting was good, not in a believable story which is almost never the point with horror movies. I'm glad that I, for once, saw a good Russian movie, and it's a horror movie so that's a bonus. Good enough to watch once.

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This was actually really spooky. The film has some great visuals and an eerie tone. It is a different take on the haunting/possession genre and quite frankly one I enjoyed immensely. This will no doubt go down as a classic.

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Wasn't sure how to approach a Russian horror with subtitles but I think it was done very well. Kind of a take on The Ring, which I also liked. It was nice to see a decently made film without dopey teenagers running around causing havoc! Lots of scary moments, the acting was pretty good for a B movie. Very well paced and great atmospheric moments. Would recommend this to any horror fan.

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Let me say this first, even before the opening credits start, the sound design grabs you right away. It is unusually moody and atmospheric, at least it really had that immediate effect on me.Finding English subtitles for it took a little work, since the Blu-ray is released in Germany and has only German and Russian audio and only German and Russian subtitles, but I found them :)For me personally, when I watch any films but particularly Horror movies, the thing that really grabs me first and foremost is the tone, mood, and atmosphere. And, let me tell you, this movie has it BIG time! So, if you are like me and you really like that aspect of Horror, you should really like this one. Again, I cannot say enough about the sound design. It is rather dominant and is a large part of the film, but I felt that it added tremendously to the Intensity and Surreal nature of the movie. It isn't aggressive in the sense that it is super harsh or loud, but has a deep, creative, ambient style that genuinely adds to the Suspense of the movie. Some people who may find strong soundtracks intrusive in their Horror films, MIGHT not like it. But, I feel that IF it is done well, it can really add to the feel of the film. It kind of reminds me of Retro Horror movies of the past where soundtracks were more aggressive.I can't speak for other people, but I personally kind of preferred the German track to the original Russian. I'm probably going to watch the movie again with the Russian track, but for me, I kind of liked the smoother, calmer sound of the German as a counterpoint to the Dread and Suspense of the film. But, that could just be me; since the disc is German you will have a choice. Being in the U.S. and watching foreign films, it didn't detract really from the movie at all. The German was synced quite well with the actors. Now, with some movies that can really make a BIG difference. One Spaghetti Western I had had a German soundtrack. And, try as I might, it sounded really jarring and I just couldn't buy the Spaghetti cowboys speaking German. But, in this case being a Russian film, to me it blended just fine. That will be up to you which language you prefer...I also really liked the pacing and calmness of this film; it had a very classic feel to it, rather than artificial jump-scares or quick editing being dominant. The acting, considering the age of the actors, was actually done quite well I thought. With nice restraint and believability that you usually do not see so often in modern Horror films.Since there are SO many different kinds of Horror movies and people have their preferences, I would say that primarily for this film you would have to like the type of Horror movie where atmosphere and mood is emphasized over brutality and gore. There IS some of that here, but this is no Torture Porn film. So, if you are into the 'Action' more so than the Mood for Horror movies, then I'd say you may not care that much for this one. BUT... if you DO really like moody, atmospheric Horror films like I do, then I think there may be a very good chance that you might like this one...

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