Private Violence
Private Violence
| 19 January 2014 (USA)
Private Violence Trailers

One in four women experience violence in their homes. Have you ever asked, “Why doesn't she just leave?” Private Violence shatters the brutality of our logic and intimately reveals the stories of two women: Deanna Walters, who transforms from victim to survivor, and Kit Gruelle, who advocates for justice.


I believe lots of people are getting tired of the one-sided, short- sighted views of the domestic abuse issue. Domestic violence is a horrific problem, and there is no disputing that fact. However, no one ever seems to talk about the countless places where the legal system has run wild, prosecuting and convicting both men and women of terrible acts of violence on nothing more than the word of a "victim." No one talks about the horrendous abuse of the system by accusers, and the ruined lives of the people falsely accused and wrongly convicted. I'm waiting for a piece that presents a truly unbiased view of the entire issue, and looks at how to curb the rampant abuse of the legal system for personal vendettas, revenge and personal gain. Until then, this piece and all others like it will be nothing more than "crock-umentary" films, and not documentaries.

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