NR | 22 September 2010 (USA)
Primal Trailers

Anja and five friends join anthroplogy student, Dace, on a journey to study a remote, ancient rock painting. Their excitement vanishes when Mel becomes delirious after skinny-dipping in the waterhole. Feverish, bleeding, confused, she physically and mentally regresses to a vicious predatory state. Mel has gone primal. Mel’s lover and friends realise they are the prey as she savagely hunts them down. Before they can escape another one of them starts to regress, posing a hideous choice; kill their friends or be killed by them. Their only hope of survival is through a cave, where Anja learns too late the meaning of the ancient rock art they came to study.


Well. This is one of those movies you have to watch in a group and with a beer in your hand and you will have a good time. From time to time I really thought that it was thrilling, you can laugh your ass off about the Ninja turtle moves, weird creatures and dialogues. The ending was just WTF and felt a little bit cheesy, but I think it fits to the rest so why not.+A lot of disgusting stuff +Reeeal dumb dialog +Being a zombie gives you superhero powers-Dont watch if you like rabbits -Typical "nobody can use a cellphone properly" movie -Something was shown in the beginning that hey never explained

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Nitzan Havoc

The Horror genre, as underrated as it might be, has several sub-genres that us Horror freaks know how to recognize and differentiate. "Primal" is a well made and nicely assembled combination of the virus/plague sub genre (like Cabin Fever) and various werewolves films. It uses just the right amount of motives and aspects of each of these sub-genres, and remains realistic and scary enough to be very enjoyable as a Horror film.The screenplay is good, with a clever script (and some very amusing dialogues giving us a nice, if short, occasional comic relief), the characters are reasonably realistic, and the make-up/effects department sure has done its homework.I must say the ending lacked, as is the case with many Horror films. "Primal" could have used a more elaborate one, better explaining the weird occurrences of the final 15 minutes so they don't appear to be coming out of the blue and almost forced.All in all, "Primal" isn't a masterpiece, but is a good and enjoyable film, and I'd recommend it to any Horror fan.

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rachel allen

This film was disappointing but in many ways it shouldn't have been, young peeps in the remote outback, monsters with teeth (scary teeth), what can go wrong? It starts off pretty well as the characters are believable enough and the backstory makes sense. I started getting bored when the insects arrived at the camp. Perhaps I missed it, but what were these insects? What were they doing? They ate a big hole in a tent and a bag, but then seemed to go away. They reappeared however when the peeps get back to their car, finding the insects had eaten the tyres. Obvious escape route thwarted but puzzling how these insects were so selective in what they ate and didn't eat! I was also puzzled by the ending- it just seemed rushed given the build up.

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What's with all those horror movies where so-called "friends" insist on going camping together even though they clearly can't stand each other? The first thing that immediately shows when watching "Primal" is that the group of protagonists couldn't be more diverse. There's distrust, mockery and backstabbing from the very beginning when they're still in the car, so you already know they're all doomed when later on they'll have to depend on each other to survive. But who cares, right, as writer/director Josh Reed obviously didn't intend to make a groundbreaking or innovative horror masterpiece, but merely just an entertaining and blood-splattering monster flick. And from that point of view, he moderately succeeded, even though the movie won't leave an everlasting impression. "Primal" is fast-paced, full of nasty massacres and occasionally even manages to be suspenseful. Six people, some of which having severe emotional issues, travel to the deepest parts of the Australian jungle in search of prehistoric cave paintings that supposedly haven't been seen by anyone in over 150 years. One of them is an archeology student and wants to work on his thesis, but the others simply have a fun camping trip in mind and pass the day fornicating in tents and skinny dipping in the nearby lake. But when blond bimbo Mel comes out of the water, covered in leeches, she almost promptly undergoes a physical and mental transformation into a predator with primitive killing instincts. She prowls at the rest of the group, naturally, but they're too busy with arguing and putting themselves in mortal danger. The lead characters aren't just some of the most unlikable people you've ever seen; they're also incredibly stupid and ignore the most obvious foreboding warning signs. If you're in an area where ordinary bunny rabbits have razor sharp teeth and spontaneously launch aggressive attacks … get the hell out! If you notice there are minuscule insects devouring your tents and camping equipment … get the hell out! And, most importantly, if your former girlfriend doesn't show anymore signs of civilization and actually already ATE one of your buddies, do not try to soothe her with a fluffy animal! That particular sequence arguably qualifies as one of the most retarded things I ever witnessed. There's plenty of excitement for the gorehounds among us, including flesh eating and a lot of grisly dental horror. The film truly goes bonkers during the climax, with some sort of Tremors like creature popping up in a cave and trying to impregnate the last female survivor. Where did that suddenly come from? I guess this is just the type of horror flick where you have to switch of all brain functions, get comfortable and enjoy the pointless bloodshed.

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