Piranha Hunt
Piranha Hunt
| 14 April 2006 (USA)
Piranha Hunt Trailers

Agent of special department "Piranha" Kirill Mazur and his colleague Olga go to the far north with the assignment to liquidate an underwater secret weapon lab in the guise of a mutual vacation. All of a sudden, they find themselves in the world where civilization laws are forgotten, and this deadly weapons are kept by gangsters who are controlled by a new "master of taiga" Prohor, whose leisure time is spent hunting at humans. Mazur didn't know that he would have to trade his familiar gun for a hand-made bone knife, and save his companion and himself instead of saving the world. For them, this safari in northern forests would be no less dangerous as for the live targets.


A fun to watch action movie, which falls somewhere between James Bond and Chuck Norris movies (well, indeed, with a bit of Die Hard and Rambo accent). A Russian super-agent with bare hands (at the start) against a band of heavily armed hunt party lead by an arch-villain Prokhor, a sole survivor of an accident in a secret weapon facility. As you can guess, at the end the hero kills them all (a-la Norris), saves his girl (a-la-Bond) and the world as well. With all similarities to the major agent-saves-the-world series, the movie has a lot of Russian specifics and as a result could be interesting to watch for the lovers of the genre. Just do not dig too deep. Some parts of the plot are rather naive and some do not fit together well, but it was not made to think about it. Use it as prescribed - to relax after a long day of work.

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It's not the best of films, nor the worst of films: interesting premise, but highly Hollywood-derivative. Still, the taiga is a unique setting and it was amusing to see talented dramatic actors take on action hero roles (Mashkov more successfully than Mironov, methinks).From a woman's standpoint, the best part of the film is admiring Vladimir Mashkov's buff body, especially from the back. My, my---let's see more of it someday! I realized this film was going to be trash when I started watching it, but sometimes trash can be amusing. The violent scenes were a turnoff, but grudgingly necessary to the plot.Overall, a B film. If you have nothing better to do, it's not a total waste of nearly two hours. In my opinion, Mashkov and Mironov should stick to better roles which highlight their tremendous dramatic talents (IMO, The Idiot, a Russian TV mini-series starring both of them, ranks as one of the finest films I have seen, ever.)

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This film full of stamps and I saw it only for Mironov's role. It's not absolutely terrible, there are some jokes and some action, but unoriginal idea, cheap effects and stupid montage makes this film almost unacceptable.I wasn't disappointed only because I didn't wait a lot. Yes, may be 'piranya' is one of the best action movie since 2000, but still it's below the line.All females in this film looks unsightly, Moshkow as The Hero ridiculous, Mironov as The Blondie Scoundrel stupid and only Gorbunov as Kuzmich is normal.And special words about that scene with sword fight. It awfully, I didn't see so frightfully special effects since epoch. Even special effects in Moskva-Kassiopeya (1973) was much more better. This film could be better if they cut this scene from film.

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For the last decade or so, one of the main "topics" in Russian cinema was "Let's make a real blockbuster action movie! Our answer to Hollywood! " Obviously, whenever a filmmaker is concerned with "our answer to whatever" the final product will be a farmer's friend, but no one else's. We've seen a few decent wannabe-Tarantino / Takeshi Kitano style "action films" ( I still claim that Kitano's Brother and the Russian Brother have plenty in common besides the moniker) but their tries at something Lethal Weaponish fell flatter than the Turkish analogues.Well... no more.We finally got an excellent Russian action movie blockbuster. Which... is cool and all. More quality = more money = more quantity = more money = possibly more quality.The plot... is an action movie plot. The brave commando veteran (his former commando unit was called "The Piranha" and that's the only explanation for the movie's title you're going to get) and a lovely bio-chemist are sent to neutralize some bio-weapons left in an abandoned (flooded) military research center near the Chinese border before the land on which said research center is built is ceded to the Chinese. Things go wrong and they find themselves amongst the unwilling participants in the latest "Most Dangerous Game" remake - Taiga edition.Right...On the positive side - the movie takes itself as non-seriously as possible without turning into an outright spoof. Quotes, homages and outright "tributes" abound - all delivered lightly and ironically. Mashkov, who was wasting his unshaven charisma in a whole host of pointless films plays a hero at least as well as classic Bruce Willis on a good day. Mironov already acknowledged that he was channeling Garry Oldman in Leon and IMO he tops that performance. Good use of the an energetic soundtrack. The camera moves in a way Tony Scott can only have wet dreams about (not necessarily a good thing) Amazing energy and drive all around - the film just picks you and never let's you go.So... check it out if it comes your way. I honestly don't think you'll be disappointed.

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