Dear people who are considering to go watch this movieDon't do it! This movie/sketch is an hour and half headache that proofs Mark Punt is an incompetent director. A brief summary to why this movie was bad:1) there is no story 2) to many scenes to tell no story 3) Actress Nathalie Meskens playing with an 'Im-trying-to-funny-accent' 4) Ella Leyers ("actrice") 5) Sven De Ridder ("actor")It is also very strange that good actors like Bart De Pauw, Tom Van Dyck and Wim Opbrouck took part in this sketch. I hope that were under the influence of drugs or alcohol when they made and watched this. I hope this was the last we have seen of Mark Punt so that other directors who do have talent can take over his place.Please take this movie out of theaters and may it never be seen again.
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