Pharaoh's Curse
Pharaoh's Curse
| 01 February 1957 (USA)
Pharaoh's Curse Trailers

Archaeologists in Egypt find one of their crew has been turned into a blood sucking mummy after they have unleashed a three thousand year curse.


Pharaoh's Curse is one of my all time favorite "BAD" movies. I had a big crush on Ziva Rodann, billed here as Ziva Shapir, and to have Diane Brewster in the cast as well was double fun. Mark Dana was a busy TV leading man in the 1950's but his career ran out of gas by the mid 60's. He tries to effect a British accent for his role but fails badly. George N Neise had a four decade career as a character actor in films and television.He's a bit overblown here as the films obsessed archaeologist.Ben Wright's voice was as familiar the his face. He worked for Disney in 101 Dalmatians, The Jungle Book, and the Little Mermaid. Director Lee "Role Em" Sholem was a favorite of "B" movie and television producers all over Hollywood because his reputation for staying on schedule and within budget and being able to do the most with the least. He delivers a creepy and entertaining fright film here. Make up men Gordon Bau and Ted Cooley created a very realistic and frightening mummy based on Nick Volpe's concept.The mummy is a little different from most of the other movie mummy's in that it is really one of the expedition members whose body has been possessed by the mummy's vengeful spirit. It is also a bit of a vampire too, in that it needs fresh blood to keep on going. After several mules and a few expedition members meet their end it finally dawns on the group what is going on. Although they still can't seem to determine what to do about it. Pharaoh' Curse was made to be a low budget Saturday Matinée shocker for junior high aged kids. That and a film for the drive-in movie crowd. It holds own with most any of the black and white horror films that were being released at the time. It's not Boris Karloff but it's a fun little film that is worth a watch.

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Sandy Petersen

For some reason, this film wasn't on DVD until this year, but it was shown a LOT on late night television back in the day. I saw it as a little kid and thought it was frightening and effective back then. Of course I am older now, but some of the veneer of seeing it back then still holds up.The mummy is dressed a little odd (no bandages), but his face is certainly hideous enough, and there is a reason for his strange garb which is unveiled later on. A fair number of people get killed, and we see the mummy quite a bit, really.Some people complain we don't see it for the first half of the film, which I guess is true, but on the other hand, the film is only 66 minutes long for Pete's sake. We don't see the monster in the first half hour of many movies, and this is no exception.If the movie dragged on for 90-120 minutes, it would be a disaster, but for only 66 minutes, it holds up. I pine for the days when a film-maker felt free to make a shorter subject, particularly when the topic doesn't hold up for a longer time. I wish the makers of Pearl Harbor had had the guts to cut THEIR movie back.

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First up, the only reason I am writing this review is I fear the low rating the movie has will drive some viewers away. A 4.2 rating implies junk and that is not the case at all.The opening sequence showing the civil unrest in Egypt is well done and gives a nice back drop to the ensuing story. I won't repeat the synopsis which many have covered, except to say it is a little different, which is welcomed. The leads, particularly Mark Dana were quite good and earnest in their performances. The film manages to build suspense nicely and the short run time is probably a help.The negatives are it doesn't have the glitz of a Hammer flick and there is zero gore that modern horror fans require. Also the Mummy is not in the film at all during the first half of the picture. This is no masterpiece by any means, but it is a well made low budget monster movie from the 1950's. If you love old B movies from the 1950's then this is a nice way to spend 75 minutes.

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The Pharaoh's Curse is a basic mummy movie. A British captain in Cairo during an uprising is sent to shut down an archaeological dig before the local natives discover it and become even angrier than they already are. The captain,played by Mark Dana,is ordered to escort the wife of the expedition leader to camp to help persuade her husband to shut down the dig.On the way they encounter Simira,a local woman whose brother is part of the expedition.Mysterious occurrences begin and people start to die once the mummy's sarcophagus is opened. I wouldn't plan my day around watching this movie but it's okay for a rainy afternoon.

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