| 02 February 2012 (USA)
Penumbra Trailers

A woman hesitantly rents an apartment to an eerie man who she soon realizes has a part in the solar eclipse that is taking place.


Cristina Brondo is an all business real estate agent whose greed gets her involved with the wrong crowd when she rents her apartment. She makes the movie.This movie is a (I think?) a humorous film noir parody of a horror movie. Although most horror movies already have dark humor in them. In any case the humor is things like seeing this come uppity pushy Barcelona yuppie get her due.The cinematography is first class. The setting fun.The beheading of a black woman was so shockingly anti PC that it takes you by shock---you almost want to add a star for the directors courage. Although it is not a scene I would want to watch again or even once for that matter.Anyway it is also fun to see Argentina. Now want to see Adrian Bogliano's other movies. ** Week Later** = I watched Cold Sweat and guess what? There is another beheading.. I take that back I don't want to see any more of Bogliano's moviesSEMI-RECOMMEND

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A very suspenseful little movie, that might not go exactly the way you expect it to go. At least that rings true with my expectations and I was happy it had some surprises up its sleeves. Also I loved the ending. I think you can interpret things into it (but that might only be true with me of course).I loved the actress in it. She is so OTT, that of course she also might spark up other feelings. But that's the way she is (her character) and the actress really relished in it. Great performance by her and the other cast members of course. You might feel the story has inconsistencies and is not true, which will make the movie unbearable of course. I can tell you that I didn't have that sort of problem. I really loved the movie with all its little twists and mistakes it had

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Lots of attention to framing and setting up the tension. Very Lynchian in it's oddness and almost slapsticky change-ups. Reminds one of Twin Peaks. This part of the film works. The actors deserve some note for quality performances.What doesn't work is the story. It's a mess...and it's stupid. You will hang on for the clever reveal that is never forthcoming. You wait 90 minutes for essentially a 'just because/contrivance for contrivance sake' explanation which does not pay-off whatsoever. The epilogue is meaningless and absurd as well.Engaging cinematography, good acting, nonsense story. I personally detest slow burns that tease a twisty reveal and fail to deliver. Despite the good production and skillful execution, at the end of the day your 90 minutes are wasted.

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A pretty black girl reads a newspaper with a headline of a total solar eclipse and spots a classified ad for a job. She calls by pay phone and arrives at a strange building with mannequins in the stairway leading up to a door. She enters the room and is stuck in the neck with a needle and passes out.A well dressed woman has a conversation with her sister regarding the rental of an apartment they have inherited from their parents. She is Margarita Sanchez, a lawyer with important clients and no time to waste. The busy beaver meets a man in the hallway and asks if he is there for the rental. He tells her that his client, Mr. Salva, wishes to rent immediately and will pay four timed the market value for the property. She is impressed and leaves to pick up some things at a store. A homeless man follows her and begs her for money. He is lectured about the ruination of polite society by the lower class. She also tasers the guy, knocking him to the ground. The people of the neighborhood gather round and tell her off. Ms. Sanchez goes back the apartment and sees two men and two women now there. They explain that they are from the real estate agency and are awaiting there client, Mr. Salva. In between, Miss hot shot lawyer is constantly on the phone with both work projects and an apparently married lover planning a midnight rendezvous. A voice mail message states that the person for the rental can't make it; uh oh, who are the impostors? Margarita is in deep s**t and gets tied to a chair. The cute gal from the first scene reappears and so does Mr. Salva in a white suit. Miss sexy, who has awakened after an unscheduled nap, is bound and naked(Maria Nela Sinisterra in a highlight, her body). The gang of four, plus Senor Salva, are awaiting the eclipse and the end of the world as we know it. The finale is decent, with a slight twist which worked for me.

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