| 05 May 2001 (USA)
Pellet Trailers

El Bola is a 12-year-old boy raised in a violent and sordid environment. Embarrassed by his family life, he avoids becoming close to classmates. The arrival of a new boy at school changes his attitude towards his classmates and friendship. The heart of the story is the change in El Bola's life, at almost all levels, after befriending this new classmate.

Ioanna K

Strong film about domestic violence, abuse, fear and friendship. A must-see film for everyone. The actors are really good, the atmosphere changes from cold and ghostly to warm, sweet and humane and the other way round, so you somehow feel like getting a "Scottish shower" of feelings. Even if that film left me with a rather bitter taste on my lips, I would recommend it to everyone. Some may even cry... so be prepared, because it is quite strong. Also, I wouldn't recommend to watch this film with very small children, because the scenes may really hurt them. I would recommend this for ages 13+, but don't show it to small kids, it'd be like torture.

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An excellent film which exposes a very real problem via a neo-realistic film style. This film achieves something the postmodern style could never have achieved with all the spectacular colors, effects, sounds in the world. This film looks abuse in the face and shows that there is a way out, if there's someone there to help. This is a must-see film, but if your Spanish isn't doing so hot, the English subtitles will do very little in helping to understand the film. If you can, don't use the subtitles at all, as they'll more likely distract than help (at least that was the case for me). Anyway, check out this extremely moving and beautifully real film.

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I really enjoyed most of this movie. I liked the characters enough to almost believe that one of the teenagers had a gay man as his father and a lesbian woman as his mother. I also cared about the kids. But this movie just ends... w/o closure and that really annoyed me. So, what was a 10/10 or 9/10 ended up a 7/10 due to the abrupt ending. Still, it is sincere and honest. But I really wanted to know what happens next.

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This film breaks no new ground and yet it is a very worthy example of a kind of cinema that very slightly fictionalizes a subject so that something like child abuse can be explored without it seeming like an out and out docudrama. But that's essentially what it is. Here, the filmmaker unfortunately shines no real light on the subject of child abuse; other than to say--its bad. Yet, there are some very fine subtle performances. On display are adult sensibilities. Things are not oversentimentalized.

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