Okay, there's this anime series, and the main character is some doofus who crosses paths with a green haired alien princess with horns, whose race wants to conquer and enslave Earth... Sound familiar? It ought to - that's the whole premise behind Urusei Yatsura, one of the longest running anime series of all time. It is also the premise here, but not nearly so cleverly executed. UY managed to mix slapstick, fantasy, folklore into a romantic comedy, but here there is none of that. The plot is boy-meets-alien, she switches sides, insurrection results. To be fair, the lengthy manga series (ten volumes) on which the anime is based was quite a bit richer in detail and better thought out than that. This anime, though, just gives us the bare bones from volume one with little flair and limited action animation. Clearly the budget was low. And since this was the only anime made from the series, we don't really get an ending, which is frustrating. Not recommended unless you are desperate for green haired alien girl anime and have seen every Lum disc twice.
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