Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism
Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism
NR | 14 July 2004 (USA)
Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism Trailers

This film examines how media empires, led by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, have been running a "race to the bottom" in television news, and provides an in-depth look at Fox News and the dangerous impact on society when a broad swath of media is controlled by one person. Media experts, including Jeff Cohen (FAIR) Bob McChesney (Free Press), Chellie Pingree (Common Cause), Jeff Chester (Center for Digital Democracy) and David Brock (Media Matters) provide context and guidance for the story of Fox News and its effect on society. This documentary also reveals the secrets of Former Fox news producers, reporters, bookers and writers who expose what it's like to work for Fox News. These former Fox employees talk about how they were forced to push a "right-wing" point of view or risk their jobs. Some have even chosen to remain anonymous in order to protect their current livelihoods. As one employee said "There's no sense of integrity as far as having a line that can't be crossed."

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Danny Blankenship

Robert Greenwald's "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism" I've watched a couple times over the years from George W. Bush's time in office till the current times of Barrack's reign and I must say watch this documentary and judge for yourself. I'm an independent and I don't care if your a democrat, republican or liberal or conservative watch and see for yourself if you think this is a FOX news hating documentary. The film is well done with charts and data and it interviews several former FNC employees who say that the news network has a conservative bias and right political slant. And some of the interview clips proves this still I think that Roger Ailes network has some fair and balanced people like Bill O' Reilly even though a little angry he's just an old fashioned tradition type of a guy. And from watching MSNBC it's clearly left leaning and a cheerleader for the democrats so really all's fair in love and war with cable network news and political bias slants on both ends. Still no matter what side your on this is one interesting documentary to watch.

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Terrell Howell (KnightsofNi11)

In Robert Greenwald's documentary Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism we come away with one very important message. The media is controlled by corporations. This is what defines the media, and it's because of this that we have Rupert Murdoch taking over the Fox News Channel and turning it into the Conservative machine that spews out right wing bias on a daily basis. Outfoxed takes an in depth look at Fox News and brings to light what makes it tick and the tricks it pulls behind closed doors to become the most bias news station on television.Now, back in 2004 when this came out I could see how Outfoxed would be horribly shocking. It does a great job at pulling back the curtain on Fox News and it reveals some really disturbing things about them. From the way they focus on stories that look good for Conservatives while avoiding others that won't push their agenda, to the tricks they employ to make them seem "fair and balanced" the ridiculous slogan of the network. However, it is 2012 now. Eight years have gone by and Fox News is still like it was when this film came out, but more of us know that now. Fox News is just one big joke today, a news organization that can't be taken seriously, or at least shouldn't be taken seriously. For this reason, watching Outfoxed was just taking in a lot of information I already knew or could have already gathered from my knowledge of what a moronic news organization Fox News is.That being said, Outfoxed is very important, albeit a little redundant. It doesn't hold back on the punches it pulls at Fox, never backing down on its relentless fight to detail Fox's conservative bias. It's got a lot of great information, presents a lot of well spoken individuals to talk about the issues here, and, despite it looking like something that was edited on Windows Movie Maker, it's a pretty well made film. Mainstream media is just such a joke these days that the inspiration to remove bias from the media that the film tries to instill in its viewers is fairly futile. It's unfortunate that that is the case, but the chance of having an unbias media today just seems too fargone to do anything about it. Outfoxed does all that it can, but it may all be for nought.

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>Outfoxed< shows how FoX News Channel has developed a format intended more to manipulate the thoughts of viewers than to inform. FoX, which claims to be "Fair and Balanced" is the antithesis of fairness and balance, as the documentary shows.The creators of >Outfoxed< give credit to FoX News for slick innovations in television journalism, including the establishment of a corporate identity (one could never confuse FoX News with some other form of TV journalism), musical motifs that set the tone, and such a device as the "FoX News Alert" that draws attention to a breaking story. But they also expose the manipulativeness of FoX News for misusing the News Alert for titillating items.The documentary shows how those who go along with FoX News' editorial opinions get the royal treatment, yet those who run afoul of it get cut down. Bill O'Reilly is shown telling his interviewees to "Shut up!" when they go 'too far' in contradicting him and, in one case, the use of odd camera angles to make someone who disagrees with him (a son of a 9/11 victim refusing to go along with the aggressive foreign policy of the Bush Administration) look like a terrorist, bum, or monster. It also shows how FoX debased reporting at formerly-independent TV stations such as WTTG (Channel 5 in Washington DC) as Murdoch took them over.The great fault of FoX News is that although it consumes much time of a viewer it offers little news -- but much scripted analysis intended more to convince than to inform. >Outfoxed< gets FoX... right.

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This movie is certainly not what you would call a well constructed Documentary film. It is very clear in it's motives and I guess succeeds in keeping the viewer entertained throughout the entire Movie. I wouldn't go so far as comparing it to Michael Moore's way of commenting through film, but it tends to take that direction at times.That being said, it is still, unfortunately, a Movie Americans should watch and take to heart. Because at the core of it all it's not about politics, the movie makers are (hopefully) not trying to berate Fox News for being Right Wing. What is important about this movie and what should be important to every American, left, right, center, black, white, Hispanic, is that this is the way Journalism is nowadays in the States. And that this kind of Journalism SHOULD NOT BE SUPPORTED. It doesn't matter if it's CNN or NBC or FOX. You DO NOT! invite Guests onto your show and then cut off their Microphones when they voice an opinion that is different to your own. You DO NOT! deny your studio guests the right to speak. You DO NOT! DO NOT! DO NOT! put your Opinion in front of the facts. Never ever ever ever... That is not Journalism, and deserves to be removed from the Air for all eternity. It is unprofessional, insensitive Manipulation of FACT! And let's face it, it's an Outrage. It makes me as a viewer feel like an idiot, because I am being pushed very unsubtly into an opinion which may not even be mine. And that should NEVER be the case on any Newsprogramm anywhere.The Problem with a film like this is that it raises too much emotion to be really taken seriously. The Left will cheer it to high heavens, even though it is neither a good film, nor an unbiased representation of facts. And the Right will see it as "Left-wing Propaganda Rubbish" and not see behind the facade through to the real issue at hand. If everyone would watch this movie, take a second to think about what they feel, and then take out of it the message that rings true to them, this movie will have had the effect a journalistic piece should have, even though I doubt that is the effect it was aiming at.I have been a supporter of our President for the entirety of his term, I share a lot of the views Fox News is trying to convey, heck sometimes I even share the same Opinion that O'Reilly does, and do think some of his guests should just shut up. But I wanna decide whether or not I switch of the news. But a journalist should have his pride, a journalist should show some class. It is NOT the Job of a News Corporation to make this decision for you.

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