Our Fathers
Our Fathers
R | 11 May 2005 (USA)
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In the '80s, priests and especially the Father Geoghan arrested for sexual abuse of minors. Cardinal Law, also indicted, and the diocese was aware of the actions of these men of the church and was kept secret for years, until the victims decide to seek redress.


Our Fathers should have been titled more accurately as The Sins Of Our Fathers. I found this film to be a big let-down. Honesty would have given a more profound look into the lives that were destroyed, as well as the devastated families of those children that were molested and/or brutally raped. Many of these victims remained silent for decades, riddled with guilt and shame ... knowing that they would not be believed if they told the truth about these stereo-typical God-like figures that have always been held in such high regard for their holiness. Most of those that did tell ... they were thrown to the wolves, never to darken their families doorstep again. Many turned to drugs ... to escape the mental torments ... many died during those desperate escapes from reality. Many turned to suicide ... while others turned to everything but God! How could one turn to a being that would allow such evil to occur within a church ... for thousands of years?! The worse of it is that these "Men of God" preyed upon the weakest of our children ... the already abused ... the emotionally disturbed ... the disabled. They also preyed upon those same children that came to them for help ... because they were being horribly abused by another! Because that is what we were taught ... if you are in trouble ... seek out a policeman, better yet ..... a Priest! OMG ... we were so stupid! Give us a more true to life movie about this subject! Show us how these Men Of God bragged about their conquests ... and offered them to other Priests as well. The public deserves to know the whole truth! not just the tamer versions.

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I think this is the second film I have bothered to review on IMDb, and I've been a member for years. Partly because I was moved, and partly because I was surprised that it was such a quality production.I can't speak to the accuracy of this film, as I did not follow this story when it was happening in Boston. But I was truly amazed that this film managed to cover the ground that it did without ever dipping into the typical sensationalism of made-for-TV films about child abuse, sex scandals, and other "ripped from the headlines" fare.Every performance is remarkably nuanced - no scenery chewing, yet you deeply care for the majority of the characters. Excellent casting. My only complaint is that there were so many characters, it became hard to keep track, and I wanted to know more about some of them than others (although I imagine some characters were "composites").Difficult topics such as the victimization of children by adult authority figures are rarely done as well as this movie. Law and Order SVU and other crime shows should take a few hints from this film.

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This is a fine film that depicts the Catholic Church in a age of crisis and scandal. The casting and acting was first rate. The director could've easily painted a portrait that would've had a blatant anti-Catholic strain to it but instead chose an aura of sadness and compassion. Perhaps this leads, external of the film, to a cathartic redemption.I am waiting for a similar film involving scientists and their use of psycho-subliminal weaponry and related technology and the secret abduction of unknowing People for purposes of torture and various levels of R&D. This fact, not unlike the current condition of the U.S. Catholic clergy, is embroiled in sickening secrecy and depraved indifference. Outfits like SAIC, with their legion of predators 40000 strong, would be like an Archdioses and NASA would be like the Vatican. Clearly the semi-sympathetic tone on "Our Fathers" would be almost impossible to convey in "Our Scientists" whose crimes against Humanity are far greater than any of the sins of the Catholic Church.

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Gary M. James

"Our Fathers", which is based on the book by David France, deserves an epic-size treatment of the sexual abuse of children by some clergy members within the Boston Archdiocese and the politics within the Catholic Church on this matter.The movie is not as powerful as it could have been. That is not to say screenwriter Thomas Michael Donnelly and veteran director Dan Curtis (Dark Shadows, The Winds of War, War and Remembrance) totally failed. The scenes of abuse were handled with great sensitivity, they were not gratuitous or exploitive.There are some very heartbreaking moments which include Ellen Burstyn as the mother of seven children who were all abused by one priest. Burstyn only appears in the film for only a few minutes but she makes the most of her scenes. (Update: If the group that awards the Emmys wanted to nominate a short but powerful performance by Burstyn, it should have been this one not the 14 second performance in Mrs. Harris. But I digress.)Also of note, Chris Bauer who plays Olan Horne, one of the victims. He has a scene in which he is taunted by a couple of insensitive men at a local deli. When he graphically describes to them how he was abused, I was almost in tears. Bauer was a standout.Christopher Plummer does a good job playing Cardinal Bernard Law. It would have been very easy to play him as a caricature (which, in my opinion, is what happened with the actors who portrayed the young and adult Fr. Geoghan) and Plummer somehow gave him some sympathetic qualities which made him a bit more complex.My main issue with the movie was the decision by the screenwriter and the director to put so much weight on the legal aspects of the case and the news media's part of reporting the story. It does not mean that those aspects of the story should be ignored. Perhaps it had more to do with the source material. Author David France covered the crisis when he was a senior editor at Newsweek.Because of this, despite some good scenes, I thought Ted Danson performance as Mitchell Garabedian was problematic. I was unable to connect with his character because I was paying more attention to the victims and the clergy. To me, Garabedian is a secondary character who was placed in a lead role. Also, I was very unimpressed with the scenes involving the reporters at the Boston Globe. It felt like a poor imitation of "All The President's Men".There should have been more stories about the adult victims and their families and how these abuses affected their lives. I wished they would have delved more into the politics of the Catholic Church and why the church failed the victims and the reactions of parishioners and how their faith was shaken by this controversy.I also believe that if the movie was performed chronologically and not used flashbacks, it would have been even more powerful and effective. While watching "Our Fathers", I kept thinking about the landmark, two-part film "The Boys of St. Vincent" (1992 and 1993), which told the true story of the sexual abuse of children at a orphanage in Newfoundland, Canada. The orphanage was run by a religious community. The movies also showed how it affected the victims, their families and the abusers 15 years later.Also, I found Brian Dennehy's performance as Father Dominic Spagnolia, the clergyman who publicly criticized Cardinal Law and the Boston Archdiocese's handling of the sexual abuse claims but also had skeletons in his own closet, fiercely charismatic and totally fearless. Dennehy has been one of my favorite actors and when he sinks his teeth into a role, watch out. However, I believe the story of Father Spagnolia deserves a movie of its own.Overall, "Our Fathers" was well-intended but not totally successful.

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