Orwell Rolls in His Grave
Orwell Rolls in His Grave
| 23 October 2003 (USA)
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Has America entered an Orwellian world of doublespeak where outright lies can pass for truth? The country's leading intellectuals discuss and examine the mix of businesses, politics and ideology that is the mainstream media.


"This movie is a little unfocused in that it attacks the media (mainly Fox News and Rupert Murdoch), George W. Bush, and attempts to say the election was a fraud (ignoring the evidence that GWB did in fact win by all accepted criteria). As was widely reported, several unbiased news organizations did a recount of the ballots after the election and found that out of the 3 most accepted criteria for manually recounting ballots, GWB won on all counts. Even the lefty New York Times, who took part in the recount, agrees GWB won fair and square. It's amazing to see the director ignore heaps of evidence in his quest to prove an irrational point."This 'film' was completely slanted throughout. It showed 'viewpoints' by some of the most liberal left-wing people in the country -such as Mikey Moore and avowed communist Bernie Sanders. Put this crap forth as a 'documentary' should be a crime. Unfortunately there are many uneducated people who will see it and think 'how wonderful', silly them. This trash would get a minus, if possible.

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I got a hold of this because 1984 is a great book and this promised to reaffirm a truth that most of the thinking public are aware of and that is the world is rapidly assuming the basic ideas contained within the novel. Here it starts of dealing mainly with the media and as Orwell pointed out that truth can be manipulated and by extension the public too. But here we have someone like Micheal Moore standing up there and you have controlled opposition straight off the bat. It doesn't matter how they try to disguise themselves but a socialist is a socialist is a socialist is a socialist whatever they do or say or try to represent themselves as anything else. All you end up with is cognitive dissonance. You can't put lipstick on a pig. It still smells. So here, together with Kucinich and others you have the lefties railing against a problem which is a lefty problem! Marxist ideology masquerading as an opposition to something which is transparently a product of Marxist ideology. Whether this lot do this consciously or not is open to debate. Perhaps someone like Moore is just a useful idiot? Who knows. But one thing is sure: two wrongs don't make a right. Orwell wrote his book as a consequence of his disillusionment with socialism and portrayed the totalitarianism that would inevitably ensue. Half baked socialists like Moore, Kucinich, etc speaking out against their own ideology is simply ridiculous and absurd. This film is holding up 4 fingers and everyone is saying there are 5.

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goodness gracious, where to begin. Orwell's premise was the inevitable evolution of socialism into a totalitarian society. I don't believe Zinn and Chomsky belong with Orwell. At best Zinn and Chomsky are examples of half truths and naiveté that are their own form of new speak. Both of these two make valid points on the way to their misdirection, something both sides of the political spectrum are guilty of. Bear this in mind when watching this movie. I've read Zinn and listened to Chomsky speak, but they are ideological dinosaurs who make a lot of sense until the fruits of their ideology is realized. It is not that they are fraudulent as many politicians and at least one movie maker are. It is that they refuse to recognize how much socialism has debilitated humanity.

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This is an excellent documentary and, in my view, is more important than Michael Moore's film, Fahrenheit 9/11, in that it points to a fundamental, systemic problem in American society; the free flow of information. The movie paints a frightening picture of influence over the media, exerted by large corporations, and demonstrates that there is indeed a "vast right-wing conspiracy", aiming to control the media diet of American citizens. Fed on managed, nutritionally devoid meals of sound-bites, sensationalism, and outright falsehoods, the average American citizen is made to exist in an unreality that is eerily similar to George Orwell's novel '1984'. Because of deregulation started in the Reagan era (if you see the documentary you will find that the word 'deregulation' is a misnomer), large multi-national corporations are now allowed to swallow up monopoly interests in various media outlets, thereby controlling the flow of information. This movie helped to confirm for me that American mainstream news is, at best, useless, and at worst, foisting upon us, an agenda that services the interests of the rich and powerful interests in this country. So, go out and see this movie, or buy it online. The guy that made this film deserves a medal. Also, check out the "Center for Public Integrity" which is a news organization cited in the documentary. It is a non-partisan organization that is interested in uncovering corruption, wherever it is found.

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