One Starry Christmas
One Starry Christmas
G | 01 November 2014 (USA)
One Starry Christmas Trailers

An aspiring astronomy professor finds unexpected Christmas romance when she meets a charming cowboy during her holiday travel. As she decides between this new cowboy and her practical boyfriend, she must decide whether it's better to play it safe in love, or let an adventurous cowboy steal her heart.


I turned this on 15 minutes in and thought it looked pretty good. Attractive hero, cute heroine, a bus trip. then I looked it up on IMDb and saw that I had seen it before, and that I had given it only 4 stars. Hmmm. By the end of the movie the little annoyances and irritations added up and I understood. My main complaints echo some of the other reviewers.1.) How many times does she flirtily call him "Cowboy"? a hundred? 2.) the boyfriend was unquestionably a jerk. He did not handle the competition well to say the least. and that proposal was cringe- worthy. But my lord, I kind of felt sorry for him. He was so painfully desperate.3.)She flirted with cowboy right in front of said boyfriend. Not nice. In fact she was kind of a h0. She shows up at the breakfast table in a nice outfit to show cowboy New York City. Takes one look at him after he's had a chance to take a shower, and goes back to put on a sexier outfit and smack on some lipstick. Need I ask what her game was here? 4.) the horse ride through New York and New Jersey. Stupid Stupid Stupid. Yes, it was super corny. But it made absolutely no sense. Why didn't he take a cab? So here's the main thing:5.) So she had a big problem with moving away from Chicago due to her position as an award-winning professor of astronomy. (don't get me started on that.) Yet she wants to hook up with a rancher in Texas, who can hardly compromise at all as to where he lives for the rest of his life. So what's the inevitable result? I guess Hallmark didn't think that through.It wasn't all bad. I liked the parents, the boyfriend's acting was great. Damon Runyon as cowboy made a romantic hero. But her incredibly shallow behavior, the impossibility of a long-term relationship, the needless stupidity of the premise, and the corny clichés prevent me from giving it more than 4 stars. Nice coat wardrobe though.

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BEWARE OF FALSE REVIEWS & REVIEWERS. SOME REVIEWERS HAVE ONLY ONE REVIEW TO THEIR NAME. NOW WHEN ITS A POSITIVE REVIEW THAT TELLS ME THEY WERE INVOLVED WITH THE MOVIE. IF ITS A NEGATIVE REVIEW THEN THEY MIGHT HAVE A GRUDGE AGAINST THE FILM . I HAVE REVIEWED OVER 200 HOLIDAY FILMS. I HAVE NO AGENDA.This film started off watchable. The two leads are good and I was thankful that the film did not start the would be lovebirds as adversary's.In this film a young woman finds herself almost all alone on Christmas when at the last minute her boyfriend needs to go to New York to land a huge client! If he lands the client he will be set for life. Before long she decides to surprise her boyfriend in New York and buys a last minute bus ticket. While on the bus she meets a cowboy. Before long they are hitting it off and then the bus breaks down. So the 2 end up in a rental car heading to the New York area. Before long they reach her parents house and they insist that the cowboy stay in their home for Christmas. The cowboy is then allowed to bring his brother to what will be there first Christmas Celebration in years. Now what I ended up having a problem is with the costume they had George Canyon wear. He looks foolish, The scarf made look very foolish. This film is watchable but extremely predictable. Family safe but most kids & adult males will hate this. It might not be the best Christmas film BUT it is still enjoyable. I would not buy this on DVD but if I stumble across it on TV I might watch it again

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I fundamentally agree with all the negative comments made in the reviews and posts about this movie. The plot is ridiculous. The Characters are idiotic. To call the movie 1 dimensional over states it depth. The misspelling of congratulations is classic. The girl falling for the cowboy who understands her with whom she has NOTHING in common. The jerk of the guy who wants to marry her. Everyone, everyone, knows how it is going to end. (I do admit there was one good twist on that, the only original thought in the movie).However, I do say that I enjoyed it the first time I watched it. It is a sappy Christmas movie. If you can laugh at all the stupidity you will enjoy it. It has some cute scenes and the characters are kind of cute in their own way. If you expect Casablanca, it is not here. But if you want to watch a Christmas movie and have literally nothing better to do, you might enjoy.

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Brandon Maynard

First of all I have to disagree with the reviewers who made fun of Sarah Carter as cheesy and her smile as annoying. I found her to have an engaging and warm personality as Holly. Plus, I thought her smile was dazzling and it was nice to see someone happy. After all, it was a Christmas movie. Second, other than the ending, the "singing cowboy" bit was the highlight of the movie for me. George Canyon did an awesome job singing "Wild Bill", so much so that I downloaded it and some of his other songs.And I found Holly's dad's love of John Wayne and the cowboy lifestyle to be endearing. After all, isn't Christmas about dreams coming true? Then, there's the ending. Yes, we all know a horse wouldn't run all the way from New Jersey to New York City on pavement, but come on people use your imagination! Yes, Holly and Luke falling in love this quick could only happen on a Hallmark Christmas film, but so what? Christmas movies are supposed to be about love and happiness and this one fits the bill perfectly. In fact, it was my favorite of 2014's Christmas season, so do yourself a favor, ignore the critics and watch this gem of a movie!

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