Olivier, Olivier
Olivier, Olivier
| 28 October 1992 (USA)
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Olivier, the nine-year-old son of Elisabeth and Serge, a country veterinarian, vanishes one afternoon on the way to his grandmother's house. The emotional aftermath of his disappearance sends his father packing and nearly destroys his mother.

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Steve Skafte

The thing about a film like "Olivier, Olivier" is how cold and distant the characters are directly influences the warmth of the film itself. This is a very distant, harsh story at times, filled with characters constantly at odds with one another. No one has a healthy, balanced relationship. Unlike Agnieszka Holland's next film, "The Secret Garden", the underlying beauties are greatly crushed beneath the weight of ugly attitudes. There's no redemption to be found, only emotional pain. That does not make this a bad film, only an exceedingly difficult one.Love is always an illusion in "Olivier, Olivier". The only time it is at all real is in the early scenes of Nadine's and Olivier's childhood. From there on, guilt and possessiveness take over. In a frighteningly powerful way, everyone is, in turn, exposed for each of their darkest sides. The acting is great, there's no denying that. But it's far too narrowly focused. The cinematography is nice, but given virtually no breathing room. Scene after scene is the intense focus of faces and mid-range close-ups. Sometimes it feels like we never really get to see what's going on around these people. Then again, neither do they. Their world is excessively insular, incestuous, sealed in and circular.There's a strange turn of events toward the last third of the film. A spiritual aspect is introduced briefly that has little forewarning and less explanation. I wouldn't normally be opposed to this inclusion, save for the fact that it has no real context or purpose in a straightforward drama. It feels ill-conceived and quite unbelievable.In the end, most of the original questions are answered. Anyone who was watching could quite easily have pieced it together, but it is somewhat gratifying to see it resolved. A lot of people have praised this film as a stunning achievement. In a few ways, this can be true. But at the heart of "Olivier, Olivier", you are left with a somewhat dull, incompletely realized film. There are depths, both visual and emotional, that Agnieszka Holland doesn't nearly reach. It is a genuinely good film - but quite far away from being an excellent one.

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Of all the French films I have seen so far, this one succeeds the most in creating a mood the French are known for doing so well: a sense of melancholy. After watching this film at the young age of 16, I was immediately taken in and mystified. After watching many other films, I can still say that this is one of my favorite films.

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"... Holland is 'one of the great film makers in telling a story, unlike so many Europeans who emphasize character. The American public takes to a film where a story is told well'" (Film Quarterly: Vol.52, No.2, Winter 1998-9, pg3).This comment, made by Orion's Michael Barker, is not far off the mark--at least with respect to Holland's film: "Olivier, Olivier" (1992). Despite the plot's non-fictional premise--the idea for the film, in fact, is based on a French newspaper item from the early 1980s--Agniezca Holland's ability in fully capturing the truly bizarre nature of this story leaves viewers wondering if she, in making the film, could actually have been working from real-life experiences. Holland lays the storyline out in a traditional, chronological manner but makes sure to jump ahead several years at a time, where necessary, to retain her audience's attention. I am American and I did 'take to' this film. In this sense, Michael Barker is absolutely correct. However, I imagine anyone would enjoy a story as well told as Holland tells this one.Highly recommended.

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The much-pampered, oedipally-loved son of a neurotic french mother, disappears without a trace (almost) while running a routine errand. Years later, a street-hustler teen, claiming to be the long-lost boy, is brought to live with the family, reuniting the mother and the father but alienating the older sister who remains skeptical of the youth's identity. Not entirely flawless as evidence of the lad's true fate are dropped like Hiroshima bombs upon the viewer. Perhaps if a certain Australian singer/actress had played the mother this film could be retitled "Olivier, Olivier Newton-John".

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