PG | 22 September 2002 (USA)
Obsessed Trailers

A woman claims she had an affair with a married neurosurgeon and stands trial for allegedly harassing him.


What were the lyric in this Movie. Or is there a Sound Track for this movie. Please get back to me at address above.I was really impressed with this movie. She was a crazy lady. She could hear someone talking to her and it was all in her head. Scary!!! I hope I never happens to me. The guy shouldn't have mess with her in the first place. You never know how a person you meet will turn out. Her Obsesstion went to far. I felt for the wife in this whole movie. Most of I liked when she was in the shower and they were playing this song I am looking for . And then the police came and arrested her for stocking the guy.How that is where it all began.

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I saw this movie again on d.v.d and I have to say I don't know what I was thinking when I said I didn't like it. I now see things in it that I didn't see before. Things such as, romance, sexy things, legal stuff, etc, The following things were great, acting, costumes, production, photography, directing, script and music. Jenna Elfman especially did a great job as Eleena Roberts. Ellena Roberts was an unstable, self-centered, spoiled rotten brat , who did whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted, without any regard for the happiness, safety, welfare, and privacy of others. I knew right from the very start that she was guilty. She did annoying, stupid, and weird things. These things included, having tea with the district attorney's wife, leaving weird messages on the judge's answering machine, flirting with the prison doctor, and showed up numerous times at the doctor's home, and his conferences, and harassed his family. She also followed them around, wrote them letters, made numerous phone calls a day. She has all the signs of erotomania. This movie is based on a true story. I wonder what ever happened to the real woman.

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Robert J. Maxwell

Spoilers.Speaking to you as your forensic anthropologist, and I know I'm not, and -- oh, won't you please sit down? It wouldn't be hard to reconstruct Jenna Elfman's face if her skull were found in the densely wooded area where most bodies are found. It's an unusual splanchnocranium. She has a sizable jaw, flaring zygomatic arches, and then the upper part of her face squeezes itself together into a narrower skull. Superficially she has close-set eyes that are narrow. Her lips are narrow too (and very expressive). It would be more accurate to say, about her body, that every once of fat is properly distributed, rather than that there is no ounce of fat at all. She's beautiful, and she has a tall dancer's body. (She taught Paco how to dance near the beginning of "Serpico.")Doctor Stillman is a stereotype. A nice famous Jewish doctor, the kind of guy with a face as interesting as a hard-boiled egg, who will obey orders at home and do what he's told, when he's not out making himself famous or raking in mountains of shekels.Jenna Elfman thinks they had an affair, when evidently they didn't. (I'm not sure I believe that. Stillman may be a schmuck, but Elfman's legs are each 5 feet long.) She develops a case of "erotomania," which is made to sound like something that only a total basket case would suffer from. It's the "delusion," which is a technical term for a belief that flies into the face of all evidence to the contrary, that a famous person, such as a renowned neurosurgeon, is in love with you. Put it another way though. Don't do the dumb things that Jenna Elfman does in this movie -- send snotty voice mails to the judge and so forth -- just believe that there is a relationship between you and someone else, whether one of love or hate, and in FACT that other person doesn't even count you as a significant other. Elfman may be nuts, but in a lesser sense we all are, aren't we? It's so EASY to look at the head of the cheerleading squad (or whatever it's called) or the captain of the football team in High School and misinterpret his glance, the momentary fixture of your gaze and the other's, as meaning something that it doesn't. Like the handwriting on the wall, some of these things are interpreted in the way that's most convenient for us. That's what makes this above average, if we can only see it. Yes, Elfman is off her rocker (revealed only gradually, and nicely done too). But we're all off our rockers, if less so.

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What a tantalizing look at the talent of Jenna Elfman. She moves with ease from trait to trait of a multiple-personality character. The young lady's performance certainly surprised and delighted me. Anyone accustomed to Jenna's comedic roles needs to get out of the box to truly appreciate this offering. She has serious acting skills!!!Kate Burton presents an intriguing view of an Attorney whose feelings for her client range from compassion to exasperation. While about it, she also provides the lighter moments of the movie. The bedroom scene and computer moment are hilarious.This is a nicely paced, character-oriented drama that makes for an entertaining evening of television.

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