| 22 January 2015 (USA)
Norfolk Trailers

Set in Norfolk, amidst an idyllic, brooding landscape, an innocent teenage boy and his battle-weary father live a simple life. Days are spent hunting, fishing and daydreaming. Out-of-nowhere, disrupting this tranquility, a mysterious intense figure gives the green light for the father to complete one last mission; he is a mercenary, hired to assassinate a group of revolutionaries holed-up in a remote, disused civil service outpost. A mission that threatens to destroy not just the compound but the love between a father and his son.


I had little idea what was going on, but I didn't really care either. No redeeming features anywhere to be found, a waste of time.

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Cinematography wildly overdone, script wildly underdone, acting so-so, verdict: film school end-of-year project.

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Some films are awful, it's transparently obvious what they're trying to do but they fail on every point. But some films are bad in a different way: it's completely unclear what the director had in mind. Or, perhaps the best way of explaining 'Norfolk' is not to discuss plot, character, or cinematic style; but rather to imagine what would happen if someone with neither talent nor a budget aspires to make a vaguely artistic, pschological thriller. The "so bad it's good" trope doesn't even apply here, as everything is so muddled as well as inept. This really does feel like a school film-club project; and one that fundamentally, teaches the lesson that making movies is hard. Don't do it, kids!

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