Nightmare Code
Nightmare Code
NR | 01 October 2014 (USA)
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After a programmer working on a top secret surveillance program snaps in a murderous rage, a notorious code wizard with problems of his own moves into the startup offices to figure out what went wrong and deliver the final product. But the deeper he delves into the code, the more the code takes on a malevolent life of its own.

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This was surprisingly good for the budget. The actors were well chosen, and played their parts convincingly. A man who was a whistle-blower in a government tech job, and who subsequently ended up in legal trouble (though what he did to end up that way is never explained) winds up in another tech job, trying to work out the bugs on a software development project that the previous senior developer went postal on, killing his entire team and himself. Through all kinds of snafus, and ups and downs, he struggles to make the program work, ironing out the bugs. However, for some unforeseen (to them)circumstances, the bugs keep reappearing and replicating. Eventually, we learn that the previous senior programmer, whose name was Cotton, had worked the program in a way that he could upload himself into the program, thereby becoming immortal. It's Cotton that is changing r.o.p.e.r. into something other than a recognition software. As expected, it doesn't end well for the human race.This was a good little film, full of suspense and taking its jabs at 'big brother'. The characters were very well fleshed out, and you sympathized with every one of them. There were a couple of douchy minor characters, but every good movie needs at least one. Someone you root for to bite the big one. You felt the paranoia as the computer systems began to actually act on their own. This went far beyond AI and into realms of 'ghost in the machine'. 'Transcendence', another film along these lines and boasting both big budget and big stars, is a good movie to compare this one to. Both were effective in the messages they were trying to send, and both are incredibly good watches.

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This movie is ... well I'm not sure WHAT to say about it. Engrossing? A definite must watch for all the technophiles out there? Maybe even the exact opposite of all the technophiles. The concept is, a tech company with a major programmer who's helped with some others creates the ultimate big brother computer. The programmer downloads his conscious into the computer and gains immortality, which is exactly what he was trying to do. A new freelance programmer is hired because he needs major legal help, (and money) to avoid jail, but finds he's in over his head. From the anti technophiles point of view this is the ULTIMATE scare, the computer DICTATES reality, it video records the future as it sees it TO HAPPEN. The government (pro technophiles side) wants this technology for obvious reasons ... someone spits on the sidewalk the cop is there waiting 5 minutes before they do it with a citation. The new programmer and several other employees of the company go mad searching for immortality. It comes with a price. The movie is well written, acted, and the first time I watched it, completely tripped me out. Some will love it, others will run away from the concept.

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The story that Mark Netter brings to life in this virtual point of view nightmare is clever, elevated, and thrilling. Honestly the tech theories and philosophical theoretical surrounding this degree of artificial intelligence is so over my head that natural a story such as "Nightmare Code" is going to both fascinate and terrify me. I can't honestly praise or debunk the actual material used in the film concerning the code writing, or programmers because that is tech geek stuff, and I still call anime "cartoons". See what I am saying. But I can say that the creative, and brilliant way that Netter tells this story, one does not have to be a tech geek to really get into the movie. It pulls you in, you wanna watch, you feel the horror coming, and you wanna see it happen. "Nightmare Code" isn't all sterile, emotionless A.I gimmick stuff either, the characters are as developed, and personable as any third person psycho-thriller, or traditional tech horror-"Brainscan" and "Lawnmower" man come to mind. Anyway, everything about this film is captivating, intense, and thrilling. Things you don't always get from found footage concepts- all though it isn't really fair to just call this found footage. It is something more. And it all really does come from the POV of A.I , all that data and application stuff that lives inside our devices staring back at us, and in this case- learning and adapting and coming to get us! The special effects in "Nightmare Code" may be the first time I was thrilled, chilled, and entertained by CGI effects. The scenes are blunt, visceral, and affecting. You feel like you watched these deaths really happen, and the blood splatter was awesome. Not a lot of gore, but then I don't think-well I hope-that A.I will never get that into the gory side of killing and death to wanna really revel in it! Fingers crossed and the gods appeased! Overall "Nightmare Code" is a definite watch horror film for all, even the ones who normally flee from found footage concepts should check "Nightmare Code" out. The ending does fall a bit short with the thrilling, horror nature that from the beginning of the film is a steady, haunting build up to the nightmarish climax. It ins't really that much but it is the one noticeable flaw in an excellent flick. And that last sequence before credits is kind of cliché and hokey but unless you end the film a scene earlier it is really the only closing that ties up the plot.

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In a press release, Mark Netter describes his recent film "Nightmare Code" as being much like the merging of Stephen King's "The Shining" with Hal from "2001" and this is a very apt description for this exciting movie. I normally am not a bit fan of violent or horror films, but this one was very intelligently made and is well worth seeing-- just be forewarned that it is intense and not something to show your kids. Amazingly, this excellent film was made with a budget reported to be only about $80,000....a mere pittance. Yet, inexplicably, the picture looks great and kept my attention throughout.When the film begins, a new expert, Brett, has been hired to rescue a failed computer project called "R.O.P.E.R.". It seems that the genius who was the mastermind of this facial recognition program lost his mind....killing many of his co-workers and then himself. So, with the project nearly complete, the company is desperate for Brett to rescue this expensive program. This is because the surviving team members are frustrated. Each time they think the program is nearly complete and ready to go, bugs keep surfacing...almost as if the program itself is re-writing itself and creating glitches! The further Brett delves into the project, however, the more sinister it all becomes...and just how powerful R.O.P.E.R. is becomes apparent. The program not only can potentially recognize faces but emotions and intent. So, a user could see what co-workers were seemingly thinking about them...and this apparently led to the genius going on his recent killing spree. But is everything R.O.P.E.R. shows them real? And, what nefarious agenda is behind all this? And what's going to happen to Brett and this bizarre project? I could easily say more about the plot but just don't want to give too much away. There are many wonderful twists you just need to see for yourself.In many ways, "Nightmare Code" is a so-called "found footage" movie. However, instead of a found video which makes up films like The Blair Witch Project or Troll Hunter, this one shows what is happening through four-paned security camera footage as well as Skype phone calls! This is truly revolutionary and complicated--and surely required Netter to do some very impressive editing and directing. While the technique might sound a bit bizarre, it actually works very well and is quite visually arresting. Because of this as well as excellent acting and a taut script, the picture is among the best low-budget films I have seen in recent years. It also makes me wonder what Mike Netter will be able to do with a larger budget and even more experience under his belt.

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