Nightmare at the End of the Hall
Nightmare at the End of the Hall
NR | 22 June 2008 (USA)
Nightmare at the End of the Hall Trailers

Courtney Snow, an author with writer's block, still haunted by the suicide of her best friend while they were in prep school, finds herself teaching at the very same school while trying to get back on her feet. She encounters a young student, Laurel, who seems in every way to be the reincarnation of her best friend from years ago. Laurel seems to know things about Courtney that only dead friend would have known. Is she losing her mind or is it all a cruel hoax?

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***SPOILERS**** Having her best friend Jane Halloran, Jacquine Macinnes Wood, kill herself 17 years earlier while attending Douglas Boarding School Courtney Snow, Sara Rue at 35 & Amber Borycki at 19, became obsessed with her and later wrote a best selling novel about Jane. It was the success of Courtney's novel that later brought Jane back to life to haunt her over the circumstances of her suicide. Getting a teaching job at her Alma Motta the Douglas Bording School one of Countrey students turned out to be 18 year old Laura McAvory, also played by Miss. Wood, who not only is the spitting image of Jane but knows things about her as well as Courtnety that only Countrey knows about! Even more strange Laura insisted to be assigned the very room where Jane killed herself!The film gets a bit confusing in it switching back and forth in time in trying to piece together what happened back then when both Courtney and Janes were students at Douglas and the present in Courtney coming to grips to what was the real reason behind Jane's tragic death; If in fact it was a suicide. It takes a while to unravel but the missing piece of the puzzle to all this is Jane's boyfriend back at Douglas Bratt Ramsey, Kevin Smith at 35 and Sabastian Secki at 18, who also happened to be the son of Douglas Bording School's Dean of Admissions Mr. Ian Ramsey played by Duncan Regehr. It seemed that Bartt was cheating behind Jane's back with non other then her best friend Courtney Snow! This could be the reason that Courtney became so obsessed with Jane's killing herself feeling that she in some way was responsible for it! And what did young Laura have to do with all this! Why was she so much like the dead Jane Hallonan? The only person who knew the truth Ian Ramsey wasn't talking but was determined to keep all that secret even if he has to resort to murder to do it! ***SPOILERS*** Modern ghost story without any ghosts, in spirit or in the flesh, but with something that was left behind and now, some 17 later,came back to hunt those responsible for Jane's death. The ending isn't all that surprising in that you saw it coming from as much as 10 miles away. Yet it still was effective in trying all he loose ends together in this very confusing and a times disjointed movie!

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I sure didn't pay to see this, and I doubt this movie will haul in any big bucks.. This film is really something you would see sent on some mid-budget TV channel quite late at night on a weekday. (Like "Onsdagsfilmen" on TVNorge for the Norwegians out there)To be honest it wasn't completely terrible, the story was, well, OK'ish I suppose. Nothing you haven't seen before. If it wasn't for the supernatural part of it it's something you could've probably seen portrayed on all the crime shows, i.e CSI,Cold Case, Law&Order etc etc.Although the characters were a bit "flat" I liked the one who played Jane, and the younger version of the lead character.I don't think this movie really deserves a much longer comment, you get what I'm trying to say. It's a cheap TV movie, not incredibly badly done but not good either. If it wasn't for the fact that I was at work on the night shift and I had nothing better to do I would probably have turned it off to watch something else.

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A true gem on Lifetime! Thank God it was promoted by the network or it might have been missed. Why are there more such well crafted genre films, instead of the low budget looking schlock that passes for entertainment on Lifetime? We want more such intelligent thrillers.Sarah Rue was brilliant, convincing. Jaqueline McIness has star potential- a real find. All aspects of the film, the writing, acting, lighting,cinematography, direction was first rate. What could have been a confusing pretentious mess with flash backs was a completely engrossing experience. Bravo to all! Can't wait to see it again! A classy picture. An unexpected twist. A psycho thriller in true Hitchock tradition.

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This is probably one of the best LMN movies I have seen--it was much better than I expected--an atmospheric, Gothic mystery. Sara Rue stars as Courtney, a writer who accepts a teaching position at a prestigious boarding school where she herself attended 17 years ago. Upon arrival, strange occurrences happen, particularly when Courtney sees Laurel (outstanding performance from Jacqueline MacInnes Wood of The Bold and the Beautiful), a student who is identical to Courtney's best friend who died years ago.Just about everything about Nightmare at the End of the Hall works, and works well. Rue and McInnes Wood were great casting choices, with Kavan Smith, Sebastian Gacki, and Amber Borycki turning in capable and credible performances. The lighting, locations, and sets lend to the overall mood of the film. This premiered on LMN tonight.

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