Night Visitor
Night Visitor
| 12 May 1989 (USA)
Night Visitor Trailers

A teenager insists he saw a satanist kill the call girl next door, and tries to prove it.


This is a perfect example that around the end of the eighties early nineties horror was really death. This flick do has the perfect cast and even that shows that a perfect cast doesn't make a movie. It started pretty will with the kidnapping of a hooker. A new girl (Shannon Tweed) arrives and looks rather sexy (which is normal have been Playmate of 1982 and married to Kiss member Gene Vincent) and her neighbor, a teenager Billy Colton (Derek Rydall), falls in love and is peeping tom on her. One night he see she's handcuffed and he wants to take a picture. Climbing the roof he witnesses that her neighbor is being killed by his teacher Willard (Allen Garfield).Of course being a teenager and full of imagination no-one believes him when he tell the police that his teacher is the killer. With comedy elements, especially when Billy visits Lisa, in a horror you have to be sure that it all fits together. Sadly it doesn't. Once the killing is done you do see girls being captured but the horror is far gone. Oh yes, sure, there's some satanic rituals involved and the score does work but on screen the retard and the black mess doesn't work. They do show a breast to please the viewer but once the dagger goes into the flesh is doesn't satisfy. You see the dagger going down from the POV of the victim and only a bit of red stuff appears on her face. No on-camera stabbing or result to see. Can't say anything bad about the filming and editing except a few continuity mistakes for first time director Rupert Hitzig, already produced Jaws 3D (1983). But I can say that it wasn't a good flick. Still some will seek for it for all the well known thespians in it. Gore 0/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 0/5 Story 2,5/5 Comedy 0,5/5

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Night Visitor is an entertaining and old school 80's horror flick that shares a lot in common with another horror classic called Fright Night. A senior in High School named Colton discovers his neighbor is a hooker but his friends don't believe him. So one night he decides to get photos for proof, except he happens to photograph her being murdered by a devil worshiping serial killer...who also happens to be his history teacher! The only problem is Colton likes to cry wolf and tell stories. So the police and the other students are skeptical. So Colton decides to stop this psycho himself. There are some great 80's tunes, some good acting, and some good T&A. But the film has no gore and a low body count. Shannon Tweed is a treat and Elliot Gould is fun to watch as the ex-detective. It felt like a re-hash of Fright Night but was still fun and unique. The whole teacher being a killer idea was effective. The bum from "Scrooged" plays the killers "special" brother. A pretty good film. Oh, and a terrible poster for the looks like a giant bug or bee when it's really the killer's mask.

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Very uneven thriller, but the results are still enjoyable. The film is about a constent liar (Derek Rydall) who witnesses his teacher (Allen Garfield) murder his sexy neighbor (Shannon Tweed). Film blends teen comedy, horror, and police detective films together. While it isn't very well directed or scripted for that matter, it is well cast right down the line and the actors turn in good performances, especially Garfield and Tweed in an appealing turn. The finale is especially amusing and the film has a good pace and is never boring.Rated R; Nudity, Extreme Violence, Sexual Situations, and Profanity.

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This is a classic two week shoot genre flick that is fun all the way around. For the genre, the directing by Hitzig is great, and the show is stolen by a small part done by Jovanni Brascia as a john. Everyone studying film, should watch this to see how the basics work, when you have no or little budget. It is done remarkably well and the cast is stellar. Based on what is in this film, Rupert Hitzig is a man we will hear a lot about.

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