New Order Story
New Order Story
| 29 August 1993 (USA)
New Order Story Trailers

Rising from the ashes of the legendary British post-punk unit Joy Division, the enigmatic New Order triumphed over tragedy to emerge as one of the most influential and acclaimed bands of the 1980's, embracing the electronic textures and disco rhythms of the underground club culture many years in advance of its contempraries. "New Order Story" is the definitive documentary on the band and traces their history all the way back to its origin with Joy Division. This extended version includes additional interviews and live footage, over 2 hours of great New Order footage. A longform video chronicling the band's history and music with interviews by Bono, Neil Tennant, Quincy Jones and others.


New Order have been both one of the most exhilarating of pop groups at at the same time one of the most laconic and infuriating. For the most part a group of 4 hermits who have been hostile to the media at large, unwilling to express themselves past their obscure and beautiful album covers.Thus, it was a pleasure to find this on the shelf of my local music store, and moreso to hear them express themselves in a casual and sometimes insightful manner. Tony Wilson, the svengali with an edge, also appears and offers insight into Factory Records. Alan Erasmus did not appear but spoke as well.Sprinkle this with some nice videos and some concert footage, and this a fun, distracting ride into one of pop's more memorable bands.

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.... and they should also say "never watch documentaries about them." While this is informative, and insightful, and the promos in the video release are great, to be honest I preferred the aloof, inscrutable NO. And I HATED the moment when Bono (BONO!) suddenly interrupts love will tear us apart to deliver his own monstrous rendition. Worth a look, but its always a little sad to lose something of mystique.

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Beware, this movie is actually sold in 2 different ways, one for the USA, and one for the rest of the world. The USA version is only half of the time.On the Canadian version, you will also find the music videos for the following songs:Transmission, Love Will Tear Us Apart, Ceremony, Temptation, Blue Monday, Touched by the Hand of God, Bizarre Love Triangle, Confusion, Shellshock, State of the Nation, Perfect Kiss, True Faith, Round & Round, World In Motion, Fine Time, Regret, Temptation (Live), Everyone Everywhere (Live), Ruined In A Day, World and AtmosphereOverall, it's a good way to learn about New Order.

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The narration is a bit flaky but this is a good tale of the rise of New Order. Probably only NO junkies will love it. Being a NO junkie myself, I absolutely enjoyed it. The background about Joy Division helps explain a lot. The interviews with NO are very funny considering how enigmatic the band members can be.

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