Nemesis Game
Nemesis Game
R | 16 September 2003 (USA)
Nemesis Game Trailers

Sara Novak is an introverted college student with a few skeletons in her closet. Shying away from classmates, she prefers to spend time with Vern, an older comic store owner who shares her passion for mind games and riddles. But when the riddles she solves lead to the deaths of those around her, she realizes the riddles are more than a simple game.....


Police detective Jeff Novak (Ian McShane) is interrogating Emily Gray. Two weeks earlier, his daughter college student Sara Novak (Carly Pope) likes to solve riddles from comic book store owner Vern (Adrian Paul). Dennis Reveni (Brendan Fehr) is a spacey delivery guy. Jeremy Curran (Jay Baruchel) is a fellow college student. Sara takes part in a riddle game in the real world when it turns dangerous.The start is a little slow and a little muddled. There is a little tension in the mystery. In the end, the finale is disappointing. The Toronto locations keep it a B-movie. Adrian Paul only adds to that sense. It doesn't really elevate above that.

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Jenna Gray

If this movie would have had another ending, it could easily have gotten a much higher vote from me. Being a movie I had not heard of before but just happened to stumble across, I had no expectations prior to watching it. And except for the last 10 minutes or so, it kept me focused and interested. I love this kind of plots, that includes riddles and clues which gives the person watching the movie, abit of a challenge. But unfortunately they didn't manage to make a good ending, that explained it all in a brilliant way, that made sense of the whole movie. Instead the ending destroyed the entire film. When they build up a plot, they've got to deliver an answer that's reasonable and explains everything that's happened up till that point. But when they fail to do so and just give us an ending with even more questions, it's very disappointing. I would like to advice the ppl responsible for this movie to remake the last 10 minutes and do it better this time.

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This movie tries to be a clever one but it does this by not making any sense at all.This is really one pointless movie to watch because it just isn't heading anywhere with its story. There is no tension or mystery because everything in this movie seems so incredibly stupid and pointless. The entire idea behind the concept of this movie is that once you have solved enough certain riddles you will get to see the entire pattern and meaning of life. Guess this is something that could had still worked out, if the movie had only truly been a clever one.The riddles in this movie instead feel so utterly pointless and on top of that are also quite stupid ones. Further more it really doesn't become apparent in this movie how solving these riddles will get you anywhere. OK so you read a name when you write down a sentence on a piece of paper and hold it against a mirror. what? Seriously, this stuff is going nowhere and in the long run nothing in it makes really sense, since the movie simply doesn't bother to explain very much. It just thinks that it's enough to confuse its viewer and to present it with difficult riddles, that however serve no purpose for the movie at all it seems because the movie really doesn't provide much back-story for anything at all.It's a real problem with this movie that it sees itself as a clever one. It takes itself very serious, which just seemed like a stupid move, considering its simplistic story. It also makes all of the actions from the characters seem like very unlikely ones. Everybody in this movie is behaving as if solving some riddles written on a wall somewhere is the most important thing in the world and needs to get done, regardless of any danger or foul play involved with it.Yes, I really hated this movie because of its approach and story. I just didn't got anything out of this movie while watching. It would had been better, or at least more interesting, to me if the movie actually had a a big mystery to be solved in it, like the disappearances of something or someone or a murderer that needs to be stopped. That way the story the story and all of its riddles could had more of served a purpose for the entire movie. Instead now the movie seems like a real pointless one but above all things also a terribly uninteresting one.Yes, the movie definitely did still showed some potential but it basically all gets wasted as the movie moves along, despite the actor's hard efforts to still make something good out of it all.Nothing interesting, tense or mysterious to be found here. Just some pointless, simplistic drivel about solving some silly riddles.3/10

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Four things intrigued me as to this film - firstly, it stars Carly Pope (of "Popular" fame), who is always a pleasure to watch. Secdonly, it features brilliant New Zealand actress Rena Owen. Thirdly, it is filmed in association with the New Zealand Film Commission. Fourthly, a friend recommended it to me. However, I was utterly disappointed. The whole storyline is absurd and complicated, with very little resolution. Pope's acting is fine, but Owen is unfortunately under-used. The other actors and actresses are all okay, but I am unfamiliar with them all. Aside from the nice riddles which are littered throughout the movie (and Pope and Owen), this film isn't very good. So the moral of the story is...don't watch it unless you really want to.

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