Nemesis 2: Nebula
Nemesis 2: Nebula
R | 18 August 1995 (USA)
Nemesis 2: Nebula Trailers

It has been 73 years since Alex failed and the Humans lost the Cyborg Wars. Since then, the Humans have been enslaved. Scientists have developed a new DNA strain, which could signal the end of the Cyborgs, and they inject it into a volunteer. When the Cyborgs learn of the woman and the baby they list both for termination.


Bodybuilder Sue Price plays Alex, a girl who grew up in an African tribe. Everybody lies to her about her true origins, but once she passes a toughness test and beats her main tribe bully to a pulp, the main man finally lets her see the time machine she came out of 20 odd years ago. Meanwhile a cyborg called Nebula who looks like a cross between The Fly, Predator and the evil alien wife from the Outer Limits episode, zeroes in on Alex and sets on a path of total annihilation. That's how this film starts and it's relatively well made for a video feature. The rest of the movie is non stop Sue running around in little clothing, kicking, stabbing and shooting Nebula and various goons and that's it. But, to Albert Pyun's credit, he's smart enough to blow up as many buildings as he can on camera. What this movie lacks in plot, and it really does lack in plot, it makes up for with explosions. And Sue Price, who's quite feminine looking despite being ripped as hell.

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I first saw this film a decade ago hidden in the nite program of a cable network. Only got half of it as I tuned in while it was already running and fell asleep before it was off. But that muscle babe kept me interested in seeing the whole thing. So now with the full DVD box of Nemesis I-IV available I could enjoy it in full.On the contrary of many receptions here I am not in favor of Nemesis I. It is over ambitious and still crap. But Nemesis II catches what I would expect from a good action flick w/o budget - short introduction of persons, setting of characters and scene and then: Action! Not much suspense but a good laugh from time to time about plot holes so big even Sue Price could push through her broad shoulders . So for example the Cyborg first tries desperately to kill our hero whereas later revealing he would like to kidnap her alive.Sue Price is really a feast for the eyes if you're into strong women. About her acting: if I had so many big muscles to co-ordinate I doubt I would find the time to control the small ones in my face to give it different expressions. By the way Mr. Pyun had a wise choice of putting the storyline into African desert as only here our female hero can be densely clad to show mostly all of her beautiful body. So all in all well entertaining and worth the time watching. I look forward to pt. III and IV in my DVD box with anticipation.

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Well, what can I say? While the first "Nemesis" Movie with non-actor oliver Gruner was very entertaining,this one is not. It features the female bodybuilder Sue Price as the orphan "alex". She lives with an african tribe somewhere in the desert and is tracked down by a Predator-like Cyborg (Nebula).What kind of a story is this ? The setting in africa alone is ridiculous. Why africa? Pyun`s movies are truly cinematic time-bombs, movie geeks beware. Sue Price as the "star" ist really a strange view to behold. Albert Pyun really tries to sell this muscle-babe as something "sexy". Oh,Albert. What were you smoking,when you made this one ?

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If this is the first of the "Nemesis" films that you have seen, then I strongly urge you to proceed no further. The sequels to "Nebula" prove to be no better...hard to believe considering this entry is bottom-of-the-barrel. This movie tries, but it's just not worth your time, folks. Take a nap instead.

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