Just been on vacation to Vietnam and visited the My Lai memorial,a deeply moving experience.In my opinion, this was a cheap and nasty attempt to recreate the story of the massacre.I hated the attempts to 'Hollywoodize' the story.There were feeble attempts to introduce a fictional love story which just cheapened the whole story.Most of the time, the villagers sounded more American than the Americans, except when they suddenly switched to Vietnamese for no apparent reason! The standard of acting was appalling and wooden. The dialogue was inane and most of the effects were pathetic.This film is an insult to the people who died at My Lai. One to avoid.
... View MoreSeriously through, don't even waste time to watch it. Most of the actors can't even act, and yet it is very disturbing. Dialogue and camera shot are the worst and i can't believe they spent 2,000,000 on this crap.Casting is also very awful. They hired Filipino actress to play the leading role which is very ridiculous and it shows her weird Vietnamese accent. They should have hired Vietnamese to play this role instead of her. Well I don't have a problem with her acting, but I think they should cast "Right people" to play the "Right Role"It's just worst and worst, don't watch it!
... View MoreAnd those are the good points! Paolo Bertola has allegedly spent 2 million Euro on this piece of epic fail and has nothing to show for it.I have previously written (ad nauseum, I guess) how offensive I find it when they can't even get uniforms right. Well, these jibronis (sp?) can't even tell which service they are in, calling themselves Marines. They are in green fatigues with some hand-made unit patch (often on the wrong shoulder!). These do not even begin to approximate the patch that 2LT William Calley wore. Further, look at the officer's ranks. They are at least 3x the normal size and were obviously hand-made. They spent all that money and can't even get the uniforms right? What special effects? The smoke was CGI for god's sake! There were even CGI helicopters! There were several good explosions and some good blood and carnage, however, military protocol and procedure for a combat zone was not followed. Further, people do not scream for hours and hours, or grab hold of a rifle sling to be pulled to safety when both of their legs have been blown off. They bleed out. They die. I've seen combat and I've paid the Price of the Eagle. It's one of the most bone-jarring and horrifying experiences I have ever had in my life and I do not sleep well from it.Damnit, if you're going to make a movie about Vietnam or any war, at least hire some people who have been there and can tell you what it was like and how it should be represented. Spend some money on quality props and actors.What is is about Italian cinema that they always manage to screw up when they try to make a movie about Vietnam? The same thing goes for the latest zombie trash, Eaters, which was also an Italian job. It's unrealistic, full of impossible situations and innuendo unique to the Italian mind. Some things should just be kept within a country's borders. This film is one of them.It is my belief that this film was made and released around the time of the anniversary of the My Lai massacre solely to capitalize on the human misery of the situation. It was not factual and does not represent anyone who was on the battlefield that day in any accurate form.
... View MoreVery unrealistic movie, can't even get the service right, at one point one of the soldiers says they are marines. Anyone that was there knows all the screaming that is used as a backdrop making the soldiers seem like a bunch of whimpering children never took place, nor did I see anything like this in any of my three trips to nam. Tactically the movie has it all wrong, no one would drop in place during a mortar attack and then bunch up in a bomb crater. Correct procedure is to move out of the kill zone and stay at least 5 meters apart. Uniforms are wrong. Complete uniforms with steel pots were required. No one went on a mission wearing boonie hats and no shirts. All of this took place in the first couple minutes of the film at which point I quit watching it. Thought it would be a documentary instead of pure fiction.
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